well I dont know what to say but I think that mouthshut make us to throw out consumer hate and love to the services and product inside there mind thats also help them to release there mental agony and depression due to bad products and services and also helpfull to others to gave the real life information and saves our valuable hard earned money and time .
i always write review as soon as I feel something good and bad about the products etc thats also make me light and happy .although what can I say that iam the person that always be fear to buy anything easily as in past almost everything I purchase become faulty in somemanner and for me that was biggest headache and thus for me whenever I enter in any shop my mind always remind me one thing says in hindi " dudh ka jala chach bhi phunk phunk kar pita hai" .
nowdays open malls like concept helps consumer very much as we can easily and with more freedom buy and choose any product and also gain more information about not like in window shopping where frustated shopkeeper always in hurry to display the product .
but what trend I see people nowdays only go to malls to stock heavy discounted products that makes them happy purchasing and still buy good more from nearest kiranawala .that also justifying the fact that malls and fdi in retail also not threat still for local retailers as malls on long distance from house and often gave more products on mrp not so very much discount and local retailers gave more discount and also near to home and also many of them like part of routine life like newspaper ..well I know I always change the topic so I dont know whats the end of this post .may be a stupid dumb post but I like to write review