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By: priyathube | Posted: Dec 10, 2011 | General | 1399 Views (Updated Dec 11, 2011)

You are out of one bad relationship, You are so not ready for another one. You want to enjoy, you want to have fun..but everything without giving any commitment. The new trend quite popular amongst youth off late is,’ FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS’. In this you are more then a best friend & less than a bf/gf. It also means getting involved physically or casually without even making any commitments or no strings attached.

Its just like having one special person for you, with whom you might like to get hooked. You enjoy spending time with or just would love to be with all the time.

Post breakup one looks for that special attention, some pampering from opposite sex. Someone to share things with, someone to talk too, someone to hang out with. To do this then one starts looking for a partner, who is open to date casually without being committed. Reason may be to overcome the past lover or just to keep oneself busy.

I read this phrase somewhere, ‘To overcome someone, undergo someone’. But this doesn’t work all the time. Many a time post breakup, we often do a mistake of falling for someone else. This is known as re bound. It can be fun in the beginning but can hurt in later stage. Getting hooked with best pal isn’t advisable, it might affect the relationship in the long run. Many times rebound fails strongly, because the approach is just causal. The connection directly from the heart goes missing. At certain level partner starts expecting more then a casual relation. Your heart is the one who suffers the most later. You are not left yourself.

Psychologically, woman gets attached emotionally faster than men. When it comes to casual dating, men have a clear vision in their mind regarding casual dating. But for woman it becomes difficult, because the involvement becomes deeper.

The idea & concept isn’t bad totally, but then to set the right expectations in the beginning is very much important. If not then it might leave either of one hurt & fragile.

“It sounds too good to be true but frankly it spoils a healthy friendship between two people. It may be simple to take that step ahead but it gets very difficult to get back to being friends,”.

So if at all you are in one such relationship already or thinking of having such relationship. Beware, because chances are you might end up someone good forever

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