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By: priyathube | Posted: Sep 27, 2011 | General | 864 Views

NOTE: This article is written based on the situation I have seen in my life & few friends life, its almost similar. So don’t take it personally. It may vary no doubt..

A catch, when we fall,

A hand to bless when we grow tall,

Fingers to cuddle, Palms to pamper,

Arms to hold, when we shiver.

Eyes to watch, you all the time

Ears to hear all you say...

Their entire life they sacrifice their sleep, their fun, their friends just to work for us. So that they can earn money & built a secured future for us. In return they never ask for anything extra but just few words of affection & some time to spent with us.

Time passes by, years go by..we grow up we have new world around. New college, new friends, new lifestyle. new job, new place, new people. Parties, picnics, dinner etc. Fun is just the second word to way we live, but that time for our parents just goes missing.

Parents don’t really expect too much from us but then yes they do somewhere expect, we sharing some best moments with them sometimes.

These days our social circle keeps us busy. Whole day goes working, slogging & then travelling. By the end of day we are so tired that what we see in front of our eye, is just the bed. Poor mom awaits the entire day to see us, to share the happenings of whole day..but we are so busy chatting to friend on texts, on calls, we just don’t notice she is waiting. Her eyes watch us, with hope we will hung up soon. Once the call is over, we jump on the pc to socialise on FB. We chat, we comment, we share, we just get engrossed totally. Back then mom still keep waiting with hope we will soon talk to her. At some point we notice her angry eyes, we silently log off, sit next to her. Try to show her we listening to what she is saying, but our hands busy on cell phone, messaging.

Then comes the time for dinner, she calls out every member of the family. We are so dead by this point in time, that we choose to sleep.(here the mom feels really upset, because the food she had cooked with so much affection ,won’t be going in our stomach.) How strange we are, we have time to chat,

to socialise but the damn energy goes away the moment we realise its dinner time.

Weekends go in planning & enjoying the plans we make with our friends. The time once where Sundays were meant to be drive around the city with parents, where they made sure they make our holidays special. Now changed in staying awake for us till the time we return.

What is that they need?? Just few words of sweetness or just the time where they can fit themselves with us for that moment??

The time when we were kids, goes in nurturing us, pampering us. Then when we grow up, they feel now this is the time they want to make most of it, being with their children. But to their dismay, that time flies away & other possible things become priorities. Then we get married & again a new life. We become busy sorting things in new life. Where else parents still waiting with hope..wish they had little more time to spent with us.

I have realised my mistake & so my friends, we now make sure we keep our cell phones away when we return home. Spent entire Sunday with them. This is really creating a difference now. I feel better I feel blessed. The guilt no longer trouble me, that I couldn’t spent time with my PARENTS!!!

Think over this once again.

P.S: The dp means, social networking we have time..but no time for parents.

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