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By: priyathube | Posted: Jul 25, 2012 | General | 1352 Views (Updated Jul 25, 2012)

Life acts strange many a times. You expect too much from one whom you call your lover, your friend, or for that reason your soul mate etc. But, the person whom you might have met for few minutes can make you feel more special. Make you realise you are reason for some one’s smile. This happens to me many times, but then I often missed noticing it.Off late on my continuous trips to different cities & places; meeting new people, I observed this carefully. Sharing some personal incidents of my life.

Been upset been sad at some point in time for one of my closest friend was away from me. I tried to find reasons for the distance, the reason of being so firm on not talking etc. However one fine day we face each other everything seemed to be normal. But the behavioral change left some impact on me, neither good nor bad. I was happy but weeping inside because of the treatment I got. However I choose to surrender myself to nature, travel, my hobbies etc.

My luck was also with me, I got opportunity to travel new cities. Traveling was on my mind & I enjoy traveling. I meet new people, and explore new places. One fine evening I was traveling to new city I met a lady who was Indian, but been staying in Kuwait. She was here to meet someone who was ill. From the first smile that we shared she had been quiet comfortable talking to me. This was in the bus, when the bus halted for break, she inquired if I had dinner etc. Later she came & sat close to me...asking if she can sit with me. We spoke, she told me where she is from, why she is here etc. The talks went on. The bonding was really nice. She gifted me small perfume bottle & asked me to take care of myself. She also gave me her number & took mine, so that she can keep in touch. Not only this, when I was to get down she gifted me with packet full of dry fruits & chocolates. I was so touched... I didn’t do anything special...may be just a smile, few exchange of words or may be I was just a good listener. All this just made me feel special. Because I was hurt over something & this lady made me feel so special.


Now later the icing on the cake, I have a friend named Sonal, whom I never met. Know her through common friend, been in touch via face book & whats app etc. She suddenly sent me a text, that how inspired she is by me. She loves me for being so high on life & being so hyper active all the time. Recently she been to Chandigarh & she saw how lively the city is & she feels I belong there. Those streets are for me. This text from her really made me smile. Feels good, people whom I hardly met or meet, make me feel so special.Blessed!!!

So dear friends, no matter how tough the situation is. If you are hurt over something & you are helpless. Because someone hurt you badly, you have no clue what went wrong. Just make strong move, without standing there. Leave people on their own. Sometimes people need space, they need time. So no point hanging on. Time heals everything. There is someone somewhere who is waiting to make your day...make you smile & make you feel happy. My friend Kanu often tells me, ‘replace one bad memory with one good memory.’ And trust me this works.

Stop getting hurt..start living it up...Always be high on life!!!

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