At evening I was sitting with my friend. Suddenly he said “ there is a minute difference between friendship and love.” I don’t know. Why? But I had denied his statement and our debate started on this subject. He said that I can not propose to any friend if I had fallen in love with her. I asked. Why? He replied because I would think about loosing my friendship with her. Our discussion continued upto two hours and I had decided to put this matter before all of you. So let me know about your views by comments. I had tried hard to convince him with the following reasons.
I advocated, “ suppose we are in western society whose culture allows the friendship from opposite sex. There any boy and girl, who were friends earlier, can become soulmate because anyone from them can move forward and propose the other. As far as his imagination regarding me if I would be in the position of boy. I will definitely propose her if I like her as a friend. I also advocated my statement in this way that wife is called “Jeevansathi” and “Sathi” means friend so it is clear that someone’s friend can become his/her beloved or someone’s beloved can be his/her best friend. friendship and love both happens, not created or generated. We choose our friend and beloved. I had given few other reasons in support of my statement and decide to present this interesting topic before all of you.
Waiting for your valuable comments.