Although I am trying to write but I have no thought in my mind which I could discuss with all of you. I am passing my hard days now because nothing in my life is going well. My expanses have become sky rocketed. I have not received any interview calls since last few months. Emotionally, my mind is not getting proper peace because of ups & downs of life. Before the time when I have joined this job, I was pursuing my NCFM course and I thought after passing the Derivatives Module that I could pursue my course with this job. But I find it very much difficult because of this job because of few reasons. I have to leave my home before one and half hours of the office time and I reach my home back after one and half hours of my office closing time. Then I prepare my tea & dinner. In this process time flow away rapidly and the day meets its end. I have subscribed three newspapers but I could not get time to read them. Yesterday, while I was reading an old newspaper I came to know about the shameful incident of slapping shoe on US President. This news has forced me to write on this matter because this is an act of extraordinary courage. While Mr. Bush was delivering his speech a person in the crowd loosen his shoe laces, put out one shoe, and slapped it directly on the face of world’s superpower first man. After going through this whole cover story, I also came to know that daughter of Gaddafi has given 10 million US$ for that shoe. Truly, it is the most expansive shoe of the world. The president of world superpower nation became helpless and he has no option to accept this event in public. It is the message to all of us that your deeds returns back to you. It is the reward for Mr. Bush for what he has done with Iraq for his nation’s interest. I think that if he has some quantity of shame in himself, he should retire from public life.
One question also came in my mind i.e. if a person can do this then why not us do this with Pakistan. We all know that only Pakistan is responsible for terrorism in India. Pakistan should be declared as the terrorist nation and we should attack on their camps in Pakistan. United States also knows it but always favors Pakistan for his guilty against India. India also has many person of that kind who can slap Pakistani leaders. I think if the US partiality against India will not end then there is no delay of having another shoe slapping on its leaders in our country also. Bush always favored Pakistan so the Iraqis have done justice with him in my opinion. We should also follow this and loose our shoe lace while attending any speech of Pakistani or American leaders. That person should be given any honor by the world peace loving nations. I think whenever former US President Bush will see his face in a mirror he would realize that incident of making his cheeks like rose. It is the highest award for his cruel act with Iraqis and especially with Saddam Hussain. Probably, Saddam’s soul will rest in peace now because his country man has done something to take revenge of devastating his nation & himself. May God give peace too Mr. Bush also.