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By: saumitra.1971 | Posted: Dec 08, 2008 | General | 493 Views

It was Sunday. I woke up at 6:30 a.m. after finishing my routine work I went to watch a movie, which was planned by me. I reached the theatre in time. There, I received a call from my sister’s hubby while I was roaming here and there because the show had not started then. We talked for five minutes. Then, I get into the theatre to watch the movie. I returned to home at noon. Arranged something for my lunch then I slept for two hours. At evening, I went to meet my friend. He was my schoolmate. I met with his wife and his new born baby. I came to know that he was unemployed that time.

When I returned from his home, I prepared my dinner. Finished other routine works. This time I am in my office and I have not forgotten my passed yesterday. I found my friend as innocent and simple as I left him after finishing our schooling. I thought to share this moment with all of you because there is nothing in my mind except this since the time of my meeting with him. I assured him that I would do something needful for his employment. So, I talked about him with one of my acquaintance. Then, I informed him about my discussion. He wants to develop his career for the sake of his family. But, he doesn’t know that how to face this world? He was away from all the evils of this generation. Why I am writing about him? I like him because of his simplicity and honesty. I have experienced that this kind of people always undergoes hard days. Intellectuals call it as the test of tolerance in the time of need.

I would like to say that when we appear for any exam in our lives. We have the time & means to appear and face the exam. Think about those who don’t have all this and forced to face this kind of situation. Their results would not be in their favor often. I know that he can develop him but how because he has neither any means nor much time to do that. He was a God fearing person and believes in the almighty. He was passing his hard days and blaming himself for his condition. This kind of situation in someone’s life compels himself to go into the lap of depression. This is not good for him, his family and to the society of which we are all members. He had struggled a lot in his life till yet with his limited sources and gained nothing as reward of his hard work.

I felt pity enough on his condition and wanted to help him out from his precarious condition. After checking my resources, I found myself helpless because my condition is also not good enough to help him out because I have also not enough resources with which I could make his life full of happiness. But being a person of fighting spirit in me, I had decided to do something within my reach for him. For me, it is a test of my friendship. When I came to my office today, I had talked with an officer of a limited company for his employment and requested with him to make some arrangement for my friend. My acquaintance had assured me to do something in this matter for me. Apart from this, I said to him for not hesitating in the times of need whether it is related with any monetary help or something else. My friend was also a person of self respect so he tried to convince me that everything was O.K. with him but my eyes can not deceive me.

I met with his wife and new born baby for the very first time. I saw and felt the sign of agony on his wife’s face. I think that it was her sin to marry an honest & simple person. I pray to God for making spreading the smiles of pleasure on their lips because they deserve it.

But, nowadays God listens to simple and honest person very late.

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