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By: chatpati | Posted: Aug 18, 2009 | General | 456 Views

With the ongoing recession, many people have undergone depression. Even otherwise depression has overtaken people in large numbers. You don’t need a doctor or even medicine to overcome it and beat the blues:

FOOD: Eat well. It will be your guide to healthy body and thinking.

EXERCISE Regularly: Take good care of your health. Your self worth and feel good factor will increase.

SLEEP Well: Of course, you will when your day is busy and you meet positive people and do good activities. A good night sleep makes you ready to face another challenging day.

BUSYNESS: Keeping busy won’t leave you time to feel bad. So make busyness your business permanently.

Be SIMPLE: Don’t worry. Unclutter. Be focused on things that really matter to you.

AVOID Unnecessary Works: Can you do anything about weather or unfortunate incidents. Why think about them and worry unnecessarily? You don’t control them so be more involved with family and friends.

NETWORK: Friendships and relationships improve everyday life. Socialize more. They also keep you busy and hardly leave time for depressive or negative thinking.

THINK Positive: That says it all. A single good thought boosts your self confidence. It raises your morale and it can inspire others. One happy person makes another happy and the chain continues.

ENJOY: Whatever makes you happy, do that task more often. Be it sitting idle or watching dud shows on Idiot Box. If that makes you happy, then that’s just what the doctor ordered.

HOLIDAYS: A change of scene is always better. It gives a different perspective too from the routine and mundane. Meeting new people and visiting new places invigorates and energise.

Let Your Hair DOWN: Having stiff upper lip or always following rules does not work. Change course and be merry. There is always another side to you that will surprise you and change you.

LAUGH: Better than an apple a day or a doctor, laughter is the best medicine. And it does not require much effort too. It also makes you look good.

HOBBIES: Take up a new hobby. You haven’t done painting till now. Or gardening. Join some classes. Learn something new. Practice it to keep you involved and happy.

LONELINESS And STRESS: Both are bad. Avoid them like plague. Make more friends and try to make light of problems. If you put your heart to it, you will find a solution to them. Try to give in to others to win over them and form everlasting relationships. Be in control of your moods.

SPIRITUALITY: Regular meditation, prayer and yoga help you cleanse your inner self. Spirituality is not religiosity. It enhances calmness and brings peace.

Make the above points a daily staple diet. They will not only help you overcome depression, you will end up saying, “Depression! What Depression!” That’s what you want, right? So, get going. Happy recovery and regaining your earlier happy self.

Tags :
depression, overcome
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