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By: evaluatress | Posted: Jun 26, 2009 | General | 614 Views (Updated Jun 26, 2009)

Every morning I wake up with a song in my head, something that I keep humming the whole day. But today is an exception; it is a 'BAD' day. Today, I shall not hum as there is no music in my thoughts. I woke up to the sad news of Micheal Jackson's death. The morning was sad with BBC repeating the tragic news over and over again while I had a silent breakfast. And I wonder it is indeed a close of an era, the end of a chapter of pop music. With Micheal Jackson's death, the world has lost the true king of music.

I remember the day I first saw those black shoes and white socks glide over floor on my TV screen. I was mersmerised by the dancing skills and would catch myself trying to moonwalk in the school corridors. I was born around the time 'Thriller' was released and MJ was a GOD. But even in my growing up years I was bitten by the thriller mania. I repeated 'Beat it' with every head bang and danced to the tunes of

Billie Jean is not my lover,

She's just a girl, who claims that I am the one,

But the kiiid is not my son,

She says I am the one, but the kiid is not my son;

I had a poster in my house of Jackson in a black leather jacket with ‘BAD’ written in red on it. I would proudly shout ‘I’m bad’ in front of my icon’s poster and run to the school. Those days I would look at thing to do to heal the world and make it a better place ‘coz I cared enough for the living….What I did was learn the lyrics!!

My addiction to MJ was dangerous because he was always in the news for all the wrong reasons. But a real fan loved his melody and the king always rules. But it doesn’t matter if he was ‘Black or White’ or bankrupt or gay. I loved his songs & dances and I still do, because takes me back to the times I swayed on the music of a legend.

I still love you Micheal and I Just Can't Stop Loving You.

Like a comet

Blazing 'cross the evening sky

Gone too soon

Like a rainbow

Fading in the twinkling of an eye

Gone too soon

Shiny and sparkly

And splendidly bright

Here one day

Gone one night

Like the loss of sunlight

On a cloudy afternoon

Gone too soon

Like a castle

Built upon a sandy beach

Gone too soon

Like a perfect flower

That is just beyond your reach

Gone too soon

Born to amuse

To inspire to delight

Here one day

Gone one night

Like a sunset

Dying with the rising of the moon

Gone too soon

Gone too soon

Tags :
micheal, jackson, pop, king, music
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