Why has phonological awareness grabbed our attention so? We suspect there are many explanations; we offer four, moving from the general to the specific. First, everyone agrees reading is pivotal to virtually all school learning. Second, many children are not learning to read. On the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 40% of fourth graders read below an established standard. Approximately 4.5 million African American students and 3.3 million Hispanic children "were reading very poorly in fourth grade” Third, phonological awareness is often equated with early intervention. It is widely acknowledged that reading failure begins early. When young children fail to learn to read, they begin to dislike reading, they read less than their more skilled classmates, and as a consequence, they lose an important means of gaining vocabulary, background knowledge, and information about text structure. The (word-) poor get poorer as the (word-) rich get richer. It is estimated that the probability of a poor reader at the end of Grade 1 remaining a poor reader at the end of Grade 4 is .88. Hence, reading failure can set in quickly and thereafter can become difficult to remediate. This would appear to argue for intervening before children experience sustained failure and lose their self confidence and enthusiasm for learning.
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