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By: dream_sonu | Posted: Dec 02, 2008 | India Today Book Club | 224 Views

An ultimate bond between parents and child. Yes, reading together makes a specialbond between child and parents. Book reading is communally formed and a sharedactivity and parent-child shared book reading leads to the development ofcommon knowledge among parents and children. Parent-child shared book readingand home literacy environments are generally studied in a quantitative manner,such as examining how often children are read to, how many children’s books arein the home, the frequency of library visits and also visiting online bookclubs. The home literacy environment, consisting of a child’s early exposure toand participation in literacy activities with parents, is one of the mostimportant predictors of various developmental and educational outcomes forchildren. Parent who assists the child in becoming interested in books andmakes it part of the child’s normal routine. Often during shared readingactivities, a parent and child will deviate from the text of the printed-page,and instead the book reading interaction may take on new meaning through thejoint-experience of talking about the pictures, words, and asking and answeringquestions about the plot. These are the basics for social construction andknowledge power in a child.

Throughrepeated interactions with parents, such as shared book reading, childrendevelop a psychological mock-up of their parents and this influences theirexpectations, responses, and future interactions with parents, which areessential features of a bond between parent and child. Also there are manythings need to be remember at the time of shared book reading interactions.First, parents should begin reading to/with their child early in their child’slife, that is, during infancy. Second, parents and children should engage inshared book reading interactions and other literacy activities, such asvisiting the library, visiting the book clubs, as often as possible. Third,parents set the stage for eliciting their child’s interest in book reading.During storybook interactions parents should make the experience enjoyable andfun for both- child and themselves, using enthusiasm, smiles, giggles, praise,playfulness, and conversation about the story and pictures in the book. Inaddition, parents should model literacy behaviors for their children such asreading the newspaper and writing grocery lists etc.

Parent-childshared book reading has long been a family custom and has become a daily routinein modern families. While parent-child shared book reading is a form ofentertainment, the interactions that occur between parents and young childrenhas consequences for multiple areas of development. More this reading habitstretched, more you will get time to enjoy.

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Tags :
connecting, Hand, between, parent, and, children
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