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By: WHITEROSE | Posted: Feb 23, 2010 | General | 754 Views

hey folks!! hw ws your day?!? Mine was decent... started reading a new book... bt then cudnt read much... and then in the evening went for a short walk till a friend's place... said a HI to her n came back... ;)

I just cant go for the serious walks but I really need to... ye-2 I know what you are thinking... "another fitness conscious woman" !! Well... not exactly but yeh now I need to... ;) Anyway... I ws not even telling that... I wanted to tell how it is with me when it comes to a walk... A] m nt a gym person I believe... so B] For a walk I need a goal... "go there -- do this -- come back" cant just start marching on the walk tracks with 100 others doing the same... so I do things like this like what I did today... a hi to a friend... book exchange from the library... a stroll in the market... visit a temple n come back... all walking...!! hehe well may be it's a lil immature but hell DO I CARE? nope!! :)

I had thought of writing something for tonight but HUHHH forgot !! :( umm... so anyways... I can still juggle upon other options...

btw... am gonna get my room's possession soon... like within 10 days... my back has totally gone for a toss in these 4-5 months... I've been sleeping out in the living room on the couch... coz of renovation !! But phew... it's gonne be over... and am gonna be in a brand new room... bonus!! :) :D So am thinking of a "room-warming party"... what could it be like... hmm... hehe... anyway...

I just remembered what I wanted to write here... hehe... again the thought aroused when I heard my "gonna be 12 soon" nephew talking on phone with his friend... :) And I went in flashback... I would come back home from school... spending around 7-8 hrs with friends... and it was a ritual or a routine... come back... refresh... n call friends in the order of liking... ;) n talk n talk n talk... I dont remember a single thing of it but sure it was like VERY IMPORTANT thing then... like you had to call or expect a call "whoever calls 1st basis"...

And then I came back in present... everyone is BUSY... appears to be busy... too far to match your local time... or are just lost with the pace of life... each one thinks the other person will call... would expect the call than calling themselves... or worse... Ego-clashes !! :)

Sounds familiar?!? hmm... oh pls... do not justify... coz it's not ur teacher or boss or a controling elder askin... just ask yourself this question how true is it and then how right it is... if you think it is all good... then surely God bless ya honey !! or else... take my word... pick up your phone in the 1st available time you fetch and call your near n' dear 1s just to say "HI, I ws remembering you..." or atleast leave an sms or an email if calling is not the option !! Come on!! Don't justify n explain n simply cut the crap!! Do what I say... you'll be glad... :)

Ok so you seriously have no time? Hmm... how about the time when you are traveling from 1 place to another? or endlessly surfing channels on TV and not able to like anything on the cable? Or... trying to contact the unimportant people with all the anticipations [which deep down your heart knows will never come true...]... well I can think of more... but then am sure u will know where to find time urself... like RIGHT NOW... u r reading my funny blog/diary... hehe... :)

May be I was not so clear but just get my point... ok?

hmm... alright this is what I wanted to say for today... I donno how I have put it across... may be I was too pushy but then... hello... THIS IS MY PAGE!! I can write anything !! :)

Alrightii... cya then... n have a lovely Tomorrow... :)

love n prayers !!

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