Hi Everyone,
I'm on and off on MS lately, due to some personal reasons. But, then I'm back here to share the story I just made tonight. It was inspired by the song I heard long time ago and I remember it when I read Monoo's Featured post tonight. Let's call the two guys as Foolishman and Wiseman.
The story:
One day Foolishman and Wiseman have a contest to build a house near the beach. The one who can finish first will be the winner. Both agreed to start building the house next day. So next day, Foolishman started digging a hole on the sand and try to put up the post in the four corner and cover the hole again with the sand. Then he tried to worked on the rest of the part of the house 'till he finished it on the 4th day.
On the other side, Wiseman was still on the planning stage and gathering the necessary materials he needs in building his house. On the fourth day, its only then that he put up the post and put some rocks and cement on it.
Foolishman gets bored waiting for Wiseman to finish his house. So he came to visit him and he saw Wiseman still working on the roof and walls. He came nearer and ask Wiseman if he still wanted to finish his house, because he said he has already done with his, so obviously, he was the winner. Wiseman just smiled and said, " It's ok if I lost in the contest, what is important, I'm trying my best to come up with the best I can have." So Foolishman, just laugh and leaved him alone.
After a week,Wiseman, finished his house and tried checking every corner of it to make sure that everything is fine and strong. The night came, and while lying on his bed, suddenly he heard some thunderstorm and lightning. When he looked out of the window, the weather wasn't good. It started to rain hard 'til he can hear the waves splashing on the wall of his house. He just smiled and get back to bed to sleep after he prayed.
The next day, he was awaken by the chirping of the birds while the sunlight keeps peeping on his window pain. The sunlight started to rise up, giving the signal of a new day with a fine weather after the night storm. Although the rainbow didnt appear that morning but he was happy to meet another day with a smile. He stretched his arms upward, sideward, down ward, and front, giving a stretching excercise for himself.
While doing his morning excercise suddenly, he remembered Foolishman's house. So he hurriedly change his clothes and visited him. He couldn't believed what he saw. He saw him standing still, in the middle of the beach, worried and tired. He came near him and patted his shoulder, Foolishman's house was gone. The storm made a big damage on it. His house lie flat on the sand. There's no need to explain more to what had happend.
Foolishman learned his lessons the expensive way after the storm that night. Wiseman, stayed relaxed and calm. He knows what to do when the storm of life will come.
How about you? Are you ready when the storm of life will come anytime? Are you ready to face the worst that may happen? The choice is ours, life is an open field to choose which one you want to take. The easy road to merry go round or the stormy path (that help us to be strong) and at the end, the rainbow still shine and the pot of gold is within your reach.
Let's get back to the story in the shortest way and try to compare it in our everyday life.
Foolishman built his house upon the sand. He didnt even plan what could be the best materials to use. So he just dig a whole on the sand and put on the post and cover it again with the sand. Then the rain came down and the flood came up. Until the time that his house was washed away by the flood.
While Wiseman built his house upon the rock, he spent time planning how to make his house stay stronger to stand firm even when the storms came. After some planning and good preparation his house was done. Then the storm came down, the flood came up.
Wiseman, observe the strong wind that splashes away his house but it stays firm and strong. After the storm, his house was still standing tall and pass the test of time.
In this story we can choose which life we want to have. Building our lives the easy way, be merry and come what may attitude, so when trials and adversities came, just cry and blame fate for it?
Or, are you the kind of person who plans ahead and save for the future so when there's neccessity to spend in the right time you have something or you have the right preparation? Just like Wiseman who built his house upon the rock, even it took longer for him to have it done but its worth the wait. Think of it, believe in yourself and,"make your choice."
God bless.