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By: WHITEROSE | Posted: Aug 05, 2010 | General | 266 Views

Hey guys how are you?!? Am sorry have not been writing all these days... procrastinating, lil bz with guests, tired from gym... call it whatever... days are going fine... better than before after the gym thing began... not doin the real gyming I wud say... doin all the extras they have to offer like Les Mills pattern they follow in some indirect way... hip-hop, bollywood, salsa, aerobic dance classes... then quite a few other things... like spinning, cardio waves, etc... so it's like goin to diff classes under one roof and not exactly gyming... gyming thing "the weights" part... sure will give it a shot sm day... :P they scare me dude... esp. the after-effect I see on ppl... their chiseled hard bods ready to beat the undertaker... ;) lol anyway... so all in all... spend nice 5 maddening n fun hours you can say in gym... daily... Sundays giving rest to the fun ;)

Anyway... have been meaning to write here since a long... like you know or not know... I love blabbering my thoughts n giving my piece of advice... so here are some of the things I've been just jotting them down on my phone's notepad and now punching them here for you all to read... or atleast for me to read in a future date ;)

So here it is with no connection... total random thoughts... inspired by watever was around me at that point of time... sry dont hv dates n time of the thoughts in mind...

The Bird is out of the cage... but it can only fly depending on the length of the string attached !! Goes for many people and women n children in particular I believe... who are caged in name of protection or just to show who is the boss!! For women we know how it works but for children it goes deep down in the upbringing... and realise in the later years of life that oh what a SLOW child I have... you gotta let the bird go out n fly n explore it right from the beginning coz that's the best it can do... security n protection should not change it's meaning and it should be well-defined coz ofcz IT IS required when the child is young or in an age when it doesnt really makes out the difference between right n wrong, good n bad... so may be u need to have strings attached in the beginning but the moment you are sure or atleast your brain says it's time... you MUST cut the string n set your bird free... if it will come back, it will... or be happy you gave your best shot !!

Thought 2:

How true it is that you can't live completely without a partner? How true it is that we all have a destined partner? How true it is that the destined partner is our soulmate?

Our society or may be the nature of the nature is such that it says you have to have a partner to live your life completely... fully...wholly... but the same society treats the saints n priests like Gods n Goddesses... THEY DON'T HAVE PARTNERS... they are just single n with donno what sense are abandoned to mingle... n the same nature gives a halo to these saints... the personality n charisma n shine... THE KNOWLEDGE, it's just heard... I havent seen but sure it must be true... people are not that gullible also... SO, my whole point was... if the saints can live a life wholly, completely n in the most acceptable way by everyone then why can't the people who just dont wanna be saints n live a common life which ofcz will be extra-ordinary in their own way...?!? Ofcz am not against anything... but just a THOUGHT like I said...

So we hear... we have destined partners... really? So that means we will end up meeting them no matter what happens... bt then why so much rush the moment your child turns eligible by law or by bank a/c?!? Just let it happen... let it grow... let love find love... why do we struggle like robots troubling the whole idea of "destined partners"?!? why do we then rush n say... THE RIGHT ONE will be taken... ;) hehe... Am sure many will connect to it... might totally be against with my tone bt surely connect ;)

One more thing... have read out of curiosity... that we have soulmates, some say there's just one who will be our partner, some say they can be as many... some say they have to be opposite gender some say they can be of any gender... they dont have to be your romantic partners, they can be your mother, bro, sis, friend... anyone... umm... so the curiosity has become more intense now... that hell!! I've been thinkin there's just ONE, bt nw I realise the search will be never-ending... or may be it's already ended but you gotta have ur own brains to understand that... :P umm... chuck it for now... next...

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