ok its first time that some one write review on state govt board scheme houses as I think as I seen house or bunglow as product .ok
although writing review on such houses is seem as thing of laughing task as everyone know that in such houses and construction there is more sand used than cement and it just build for formality by govt engineers job hahahha.
ok this scheme was started by previous cm of rajasthan smt vasundra raje for govt officers and other persons . as scheme brousher show many great things about build quality and facilities but all seen in reality as nothing but formality .i cant blame smt .raje for this as thank god she cant appoint rhb smart engineers to build her own house .although those idiots build sample bunglow perfect every time in each govt scheme .but real houses is even bad than 1000 years old forts of india .
ok the gardens and roadlights is one such thjing that u may found perfect in this colony as it maintained by a poor gardner that dont want to be face angry face of residents .
all houses one thing is best all designed and built in same way and in series with same color and pattern that makes atleast this colony looks good .
now lets talk about houses .in this colony two type provide one is nearly 200 sq m with 2500 sq ft construction and second is 20 % more land area than type 1 although intial cost will be nearly 27 lack and 35 lack in 2003 thats also in self finance construction scheme so that almost increase of rs 5 lakh at time of delivery in name of increasing cost although cost increase they decrease the feature shown in scheme brochure and also add more sand in cement to cut the cost big laugh for such idiots.
now days it cost near 1 crore per house as property rates increases
but u feel such dumb seeing construction everything is just going degraded itself paint in name of emulsion distemper is used plaster is very bad and there is leakage everywhere in sanitation and plumbing and even houses attach to each other .electrical accesories also not working switches and wires almost duplicate one as check by electrician and there is almost several crack in each houses like just earthquake comes in past in this area and water taps not working even in bathrooms sanitary pipes leaks and whole plaster is falling down tiles were just placed uneven even some floor tiles start coming out .and dont think about wooden doors and windows they already seen breaked in time of delivery even uneven feeling on many crack seen whole house paint on wall and doors etc is just comes out as seen no primer is applied before paint .
in outside sandstone is used for flooring that was just uneven and almost break down itself and comes out almost 60 of flooring by itself as seen sand is applied in base rather than cement in many areas rainwater stag on floor .oh god sanitation is like hell all main holes overflow in rain and clogged what a rubbish thing and in some area green marble used for floor in outside and inside automatically crack down in daily usage entry door in house is not close at the time of delivery seen its made uneven and now one side goes down .
all door hinges etc got rust and automatically fall off in daily usage in kitchen whole store and sink area got water leakage even one side of granite kitchen slab is placed in opposite level that made water stagnate all the time .
carpenters and mistries laugh on seeing quality when mason fixing kota stone slabs for shelves almost whole plaster comes apart and mason feel that may be more cracks comes if somes more groves made . person fixing drappery rod gone mad every where he drill loose plaster fall and he need to fix drappery knobs with plastic wrapped plastic plugs ...............