After a hectic schedules of more or less than four months, due to our national election campaign, I dont have much time to peeped in MS in a longer time. But last night, I stayed up to 2:30 in the morning (Phil. time) because I get worried of the massive posting of diary post regarding the CALL GIRLS and ESCORT SERVICES. I wonder why this diary post are being allowed to be posted here, when I know that MS site are very careful and deletes foul language or nude photos. But now it seems like Mouthshut became the cheap advertiser of this porn site with all the naked ladies displaying their body to lure men who pays for pleasure. I tried to click the site just for the sake of curiosity and to prove it myself before I complain. And true enough that those ladies displaying their bodies are for pay to give pleasure to men who are looking for more, other than their wife.
I dont intend to make a controversy out of the diary post I have mentioned above but I just want to reiterate again that such kind of diary post makes MS a cheap site if MS will not be careful at all. I believe that we have the freedom of expression but let us not abuse it by posting or allowing obscene or indecent words and photos that can hurt or insult any person. As a woman myself, I feel insulted that this women are being displayed as the sex object of men. Because I believe that love making must be enjoyed by couple and not for public display especially on this site, we know that MS is not a PORN site. But, its so disgusting that we find it here in MS. But thank to caretaker for the action taken, although its a little bit late, all diary post about it are now deleted.
But while typing this diary post, I happened to check the homepage, and I was shocked again to see more diary post on the same topic with different id. If this thing will go on everyday that I will log in MS for this week, I will leave MS for good. I cant close my eyes on this kind of cheap advertisement. I have invited my daughter to be a member here and I cant imagine her reading and seeing those women in a obscene pictures. I feel that as a mother I have the moral obligation to bring her to the educational and entertaining site rather than a pornographic one. If MS will go on with this, I have no business staying longer when I am not enjoying my stay here, anymore. It will be sad for me though, but Id rather be sad than be here and get pissed off every time I read those diary post. But if ever MS is earning something from this kind of dp, why not just make another site exclusively for this kind of business where people who are interested on this kind will just go there at their own risk. Not here on MS where the purpose of this site is more on review, diary post and friendship networking.
I hope and wish that MS TEAM can do something about this permanently.
I appeal to all MS members who believe that this fight against this offensive, indecent, repugnant diary post will be totally eliminated. Let us show our force by writing to Faisal, Caretaker and MS Team.
Thank you so much for your support always. Lets make MS a free porn site!
God bless.