The survivavl of any specie in this world has become a challenge, whether human beings, plant life and animal life. The dirt, pollution, destruction, disasters, violence and the attitudes of some humans had lead to the thought a big question- Whether nature would survive? Some say that it is materialism, money and poverty which leads to such destruction. While others press on global warming. But why?
To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If we are not capable of preserving nature, nature would not survive they die, so also human beings would die. Todays normal life suggest a life with full support of machines from morning till night. If physical exercises are carried on early morning that too with the help of machines or a earphone hearing music at the same time.
Start reacting before it gets too late. Surround your buildings with beautiful trees and flowers and appreciate working in the vegetable garden or tubs atleast for half an hour a day. Contact with the earth and greenary would save us as well as nature. Grow some good quality of good grass full of nutrition, to feed the cattle, if you have space.
Above all think something for the Nature Everyday......
Your Friend
Nawab Wahabul Haque