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Uttar Pradesh, Assam
Member Since:Jun 05, 2008
0 MS Points
Iam a researcher fully dedicating on researches related to social sciences, banking, health. Very much interested in studying the human behaviour-the personality traits through the psychology of handwriting. Believe in reality, spending time with school students in the evening trying my level best to make themselves fit honestly with the competitive environment. With the ideology of being good and a cultured individual and encourage the same to my students. Writing, Reading issues of interest, singing, listening western rock guitar ( Dire Straits), Walking, doing something which is creative.
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Private banks in India........cruelty upon Indian
Reviewed HSBC - Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
The private sector banks are not only making money in the country but even very cruel and harsh towards its customers. India being a democratic country failedRead more...
Needs to experience reality of life
Reviewed Abhishek Bachchan
Abhishek has gained popularity in some of the films but that doesnt mean that he has an excellent artistic talent. Artistic talents develops with thoseRead more...
Dynamic agents -growth of SBI credit card busines
Reviewed SBI Visa Credit Card
The future of credit card business depends upon the financial product, quality of the services, credit limit, correct billing and agents. Agents who deal witRead more...
State Bank is my Bank
Reviewed State Bank Of India
For ages SBI is rendering services to its customers. With the development of banking services, customer care, ATM services, credit facilities, foreign exchangRead more...
Ride with a pride
Reviewed Kinetic SYM Flyte
Kinetic SYM Flyte -a ride with a pride. A two-wheeler which wins the heart and dreams of all ages. Fuel consumption is less. There is comfortability and Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed priscilapaul
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Followed mshaikh786
Followed fozia_ahmad
Followed Cattie , sandeepkanchi , reemasolanki , anita_123
Commented on techambreen's article
Hi Nice write up, giving respect to the kids, means remembering your childhood which I think you miss a lot...
Samya(7) and Saadia(5) (My 2 nieces)!!!! My love my life my weakness !!! miss you both !
Followed maaz_nawaz , ezhil_123 , noid497 , imcool_priyakl , chrisudo2000
Followed techambreen , SabinaCh , alpana90
Commented on alpana90's article
Hi Helping the old is helping ourselves as one day we will also become old..Nice write up.
Respect the Old...
Followed reacha , swathi196 , farhashaheen
Followed nisha.bshr
A very memorable incident but really very funny forced me to write a few lines today. As I carried on field researches for long years I remember a funny day when we were sent for some data collection work long back to some rural areas. However the group was divided into groups comprising of two pers Read more...
Commented on biswarupa's article
Hi Good write up...People who does'nt have self respect will imitate others in their life.
Ckhopy Khats!
Followed biswarupa
Commented on shama_123's article
Hi Good Poem...do write some more
(Updated Jan 21, 2011)
Working in the metros is working without sympathy, pressurized work, getting exhausted, pollution, dirt, unnecessary commands from the boss, partiality, jelousy and so on. What can one think when in a journey to his or her office, can you imagine?. If its a job of marketing...the day to day pressure Read more...
Commented on desigal's article
Hi A wonderful post keep it up
A Broken Heart..
(Updated Nov 12, 2010)
A marriage took place a week back in a high class family. Sorry to use the words high class, as I believe in a classless society. With enjoyments, fun, band parties, crackers, lights , smell of perfumes, incense the party carried on. Relatives friends and elders celebrating the party as for them the Read more...
Commented on bebylon's article
Hi A wonderful reality do write the second part...
Three wishes-part 1
(Updated Nov 11, 2010)
The survivavl of any specie in this world has become a challenge, whether human beings, plant life and animal life. The dirt, pollution, destruction, disasters, violence and the attitudes of some humans had lead to the thought a big question- Whether nature would survive? Some say that it is materia Read more...
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