Still hung over from holiday spirit of a very rare 2 day weekend, stuck in the usual sh**ty Bangalore traffic, two random thoughts stuck and refused to go away.
1. We as Bangaloreans and as a country are afflicted by a severe case of ‘poor limb coordination’, visible in our inability to have ‘undug up’ Bangalore for ONCE and coordinated traffic what with one way roads stuck here and there at the whim of some traffic coordinating genius. It works like so:
Step one: imminent elections…state, municipality, panchayat, take you pick
Step two: awarding of sundry construction contracts, prominently road tarring contracts…general sharing of the good times by all!
Step three: 12:00 hrs on day 1-laying of road
Step four: 18:00 hrs on day 1-digging up of said road for laying storm drains, various lines, broadening of sidewalks, THE METRO.. if all else fails
Step five: going back to step one and general sharing of good times by all
(I kid you not, last week on the way to work; I crossed a freshly tarred bylane in RT Nagar. On the way home, half the road was already dug up for putting in storm drains. Really, we are THAT STUPID or crazy for bribes and percentages).
2. Corruption, favouritism, rape charges apart….our politicians firmly believe that:
Government work is GODs’ work!
Yes, this self proclamation IS etched into the grand entry arches of the Karnataka State Assembly building (photo of Vidhana Soudha on the right). Megalomania someone?? Wiki states that Megalomania is:A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.
Need I say more? From the land of Dr. Rajkumar, this is natural (no offence intended to the lakhs of Rajkumar devotees, I love you all!)
So to round it all up, it is a usual Monday in Bangalore!
Tags :
Bangalore, roads, government