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By: nehasachy | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 | General | 617 Views

This is in response to reading a blog that argued at length the aspects of what constitutes mental trauma for women. Should the trauma-meter be set up on the basis of actual actions or should the ‘thought’ that might lead to actions also be a parameter of calculation. In short, would I be right to consider a short stare, a pointed look or an extended full on leer (usually the precursors to matters more serious) causes for mental harassment or should roaming hands, accidental brushes and outright feeling up and down be the only scoring points in the meter?

This brings national events in the last few months to mind, specifically our parliaments ‘zenana’ fixation! As kingdoms of yore had separate, heavily fortified and be-cutained section for ladies our parliament will now have its own ‘womens’ section’. Also comes to mind Mulayam Singhs’ legendary observation that members of parliament (male ofcourse) will be forced to whistle at their female colleagues now that their number will grow from a piffling 2-3% to 33%.

Ofcourse we understand his quandary. Why not, with women milling like ants all around the parliament who can find fault with a Tiwari or two to be aroused….sorry roused enough to let out an appreciating whistle? Oh what torture! What inconsideration!

This begs two questions:

  1. Are members of our parliament no better than the pelvic scratching, lewd comment passing, street romeo style lowlifes?

  2. Will our elected male representatives be doing any different by whistling at the sight of 33% of their collegues in all their delicate elephant like grace and promise of greater things behind the starchy saris and burqa inspired costumes?

The answer to the first is a resounding No, NO, definitely no! And to answer the second, why should our female brethren fare any better in parliament when we are subject to a multitude of gropings, feelings, strip searching glares and worse? Whistling is the least of our worries.

That begs another question, if the likes of Sushma Swaraj (with her dragon-abbess-of-a convent-ish turn in giant blouses and eye averting sari hues) may invite our 70 year old MPs to let out a toothless whistle or two…..does the argument of ‘dressed like a tart, she invited the stares/gropes/touches/worse on herself’ hold good? From personal experience, it does not matter what colour, size, shape, age you are as long as there is a vagina involved you are good for the game. Being provocatively dressed (very subjective issue in my opinion) and aggressively independent just add to our sins of being a woman.

Going back to the original argument, does a stare count? Can a ‘look’ (and women KNOW when a look is less than friendly in nature) be traumatic enough to scar the soul of the ‘object’ of the stare? Does your trauma meter bleep red when that guy sitting over there look you up from toe to head? Do you feel appreciated, savour the interest that you generate or shake your head and ignore madi?

As an aside, how do men react when stared at? Is there something like adam teasing?

Tags :
Womens, reservation, bill, whistling, eve, teasing
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