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By: devikajain28 | Posted: Nov 27, 2013 | General | 324 Views

I have been living in Lucknow for past five years and my experience in this nawabo ka shahar has been great. The otherwise so well mannered city lacks the same discipline on the road. It is a pain to drive on the roads of the city as there is jaywalking with same lanes for cyclist, motorists and four wheelers. I mean if I have to go somewhere, not only do I leave early for the sake of reaching early but also to avoid traffic which in turn can give dents in my car. Road safety is a passé for this city leave alone young blood; any and every person is involved in rash driving which not only results in mishaps but also in loss of life. People here do not believe in

#SafetyBeginsWithMe like Nissan Safety Driving Forum initiative of Road.

This is a noble initiative by Nissan group to spread awareness about the road safety. Keeping the present statistics of Lucknow in mind, which has ranked the city second in terms of road accident causalities, it is important for every person to be aware and updated about road safety and other precautions for secure driving. Just log on to their page and like their Facebook application for more update and awareness. So get disciplined for better and safe walking and driving Lucknow.

Tags :
#safetybeginswithme, nissan, safety, Driving, forum, lucknow, event, DRIVE, campaign, nissa
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