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Member Since:Sep 06, 2013
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Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
We Indians believe that ‘Rules are meant to be broken’ but have you ever noticed that rules are based on an in-depth research and experiences. For instance if sleeping is for night and working is for day, then it is based on the proven fact that complete metabolism of our body lowers down at night o Read more...
I have been living in Lucknow for past five years and my experience in this nawabo ka shahar has been great. The otherwise so well mannered city lacks the same discipline on the road. It is a pain to drive on the roads of the city as there is jaywalking with same lanes for cyclist, motorists and fou Read more...
UDGHOSH is the inter-collegiate sports festival of IIT Kanpur. UDGHOSH offers a platform for students from all over India to showcase their talent and compete with the best upcoming sport persons in the country in a highly charged and competitive ambiance. To provide talent the right push forward wi Read more...
(Updated Sep 27, 2013)
National Students’ Space Challenge (NSSC) has for the past three years, been a unique space fest held at IIT Kharagpur. Organized by Space Technology Students’ Society (spAts), functioning under Kalpana Chawla Space Technology Cell, the contact point of ISRO at IIT Kharagpur. NSSC is a platform to Read more...
The whole idea of love to me seems too predictable. You meet her through a friend, at a party, a dinner, a park or a blood donation drive. You like her first mostly, coz we guys know how to admire beauty. You make the first move, coz of course perversion mixed with desperation can make even Humpty D Read more...
Slow and steady wins the race” a proverb that has become a passé in this age of digital media and technology. Not a single soul is satisfied with their present state of life and living. The rush is to upgrade much before than the other. Hurry, speed, rush defines the present age the best. Rush is fo Read more...
India is the country where foreigners come in search of peace and unfortunately we Indians are always in the rush to go out of the country. There are many reasons why many of us would like to migrate from the country. Few of the reasons are education system, corruption, the complete bureaucratic sys Read more...
Followed rajkumaarkhare , anikrishna420 , gilbirdyogesh , sj2627swati , Niteshmp09
This is the age where no one has time for anything. Everything needs to be done with a blink of the eye and as quick as possible. Time is the most important element which slips from the hand like sand and why me infact every person wants to make the most out of the apparent limited time. And that an Read more...
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Myrl Mitchell (@MyrlMouthShut Verified Member)
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