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By: iyer.chandrashekar | Posted: Feb 11, 2016 | General | 160 Views

Self-confidence is an attitude that you hold about yourself that allows you to move forward and achieve your goals.

Relying on other people to guide you and following their opinions robs you of your individuality, makes you unsure of yourself and can lead to depression.

Self confidence can change your whole life to the better while lack of confidence will definitely have a negative effect on your social relations, career, achievements and even your mood.

Self confidence and happiness are strongly connected. Self confidence is all about knowing that you are good, worthy and capable of facing life problems, In simple words, the more confident you will become the happier you will be

Self Confidence It is the foundation of all personal success. You can achieve anything when you believe in yourself. But you will fail when you doubt yourself

When you increase in confidence, you increase in success

Self Confidence enables a person to take risks, to challenge themselves and move on to new achievements: it provides the belief that if things go wrong, they can be put right

Self confidence is the measure of one’s collective ability to march right ahead to achieve a said goal.

Because Confidence brings out the fighter in you!

Believe in yourself; get going; tell yourself that you have it in you.

Because ultimately the one who wins is the one who thinks he can!

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