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By: iyer.chandrashekar | Posted: Feb 11, 2016 | General | 210 Views

It is a matter of grave concern in India, woman have never been given the same status as of a man in India. Even though they get a lot of respect in India but Independence and safety has been greatly hampered due to the patriarchal nature of the Indian society

One of the main reasons of violence against woman is due to the mentality which deems woman inferior to men.

Even in today’s time of modernization of society, women are under great pressure of shouldering dual responsibility of a housewife and a working woman simultaneously.

A few generations ago woman were merely objects of sexual pleasure and servant to man, who was considered as ‘Supreme God’

Times have surely changed but the mentality still prevails.

It sure is time that the country joins hands and realizes that woman are ‘NOT SAFE’ in India Many cases have been reported but till date nothing has been done to change the law or the system to the way how a woman is being looked at.

Woman has stood at par with what a man can do but still is fighting for equality till date, Time has changed but attitude towards woman has not.

There has to be stringent punishments and fast track courts against any crime towards a Woman else the present scenario will not change. The need for the judicial system to change is very high.

Till the time law does not favour one or gets exploited by the other, Woman will remain ‘UNSAFE’ in India

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