Girls using innocent guys(Read ?nice guys?).
In battle of sexes there never was a period darker than current scenario. In my times we used to hear a lot many stories of ?fuck and forget? by play boys for ?nice girls?.
But I never thought that an era reversal will come so soon that girls will start using guys like disposable condoms, ATM machines,time pass jokers,free helpers and fun partner till they get married.
Today?s modern girl or so called ?feminist? gives no damn to virginity as if being virgin is a crime. They change boy friends every two months, earlier than their new dress!. Experimenting with sexuality is a fun statement.Sex now a days has become just a tool to enjoy and has lost all connections with so called ?old fashioned true love?!
Hymenoplasty is new buzz word.You can become virgin again if you like!.
I don?t condemn sex.But sex only for sex is still not acceptable to me. A little moral compass can be a better guideline for society.
Further it is a open secret that girls now enjoy in relationships but marry only 6 figure earning'good boy' selected by their family!(Or their BF gets a fat pay package).
We all are born out of women. Let only true love decide fates of future and not ?convenience?.
Your joke might kill some body. Tread with caution.Girls enjoy a lot of attention and power now a days. With great power comes great responsibility.