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By: priyathube | Posted: Apr 07, 2011 | General | 2957 Views

Life is a journey; we all have to move on. As we grow in life we often miss our friends. Reasons can be any. Sometimes because we switch cities, sometimes because we move to hostels. Sometimes also because we become busy with our work, career and responsibilities. Once when you earn everything, you look back and think, God I am Still Missing Something! That’s when you realise you have lost in touch with your friends. May be that was not intensionally, but still you have no people around you, who will bug you late night with their forwarded messages. Who will irate you with their non sense talks. Argue with you because you were supporting the opposite team. Hate you because you missed on their birthdays. Scream at you because you were talking to their enemies...adore you for you being you. Fight with others to see you smile. All this moments go missing suddenly and a thought keeps killing you behind...YES I MISS MY FRIENDS.YES I MISS MY LIFE.

This ideally won’t be the case in everyone’s life because some people are really good at keeping in touch. They meet, they call, they chat, they freak out..But still not every time is the situation when we can keep in touch. Because tomorrow when that guilt that will pop in our mind will really kill us.

What I am trying to convey here is:

Sometimes time is just to less to meet so many people. You just need to take few hours everyday n meet the people wit that you are born n brought up. They give u loads of special moment’s & memories to live forever. We might be in same cities but still don’t catch up. Many a times because we are either too tied up or we are too lazy to meet up. I am telling you there is no fun like catching with you pals. Specially the one’s whom you never met since years/months.

Make sure you carry your camera along when you meet them .share these moments because that is the best way you can treasure your memories. I am sure nobody likes to live with that guilt, which will keep bothering us forever. So people lets gear up and start meeting our pals.

You live once, so live like there is no tomorrow...Have a bindaas Day everyday!

Also keep me posted about your meets with them & share your experiences...


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