Following are the details of Fraudster, who make sure that you die thirsty after making a Guinness world record of calling their customer service numbers to book one can (25 Ltrs of water)over months and months together. I have made 100 calls to all their service numbers, managers, and supervisors in last Two months and have not received any supplies yet. Let me also clarify, I lives in centrally located posh area of Adyar and not on Moon or Mars where they can’t supply water.
S.R.Water Company (P) Ltd.
(Authorised Distributor of Kinley Water)
New No. 70, (Old No. 33), Josier Street,
Nungambakkam, Chennai – 600034,
Phone No. 28250362, 28207905 Fax : 28206583
New Call Center No. 42022525
TIN No. 33641502221
CST No. 815724 / 21-11-01
Area Code: 076
Service Tax No. AAFCS9097RSD001
If you are idle and alone then please take their service as you can talk to their service center numbers on daily basis and yet be assured no supplies will come as they are determine to prove that government departments are far better than them as they do listen and act after a point of time as against SR water, who will never act whatever happens on this earth.
Tags :
s.r.water, kinleydistributorchennai, kinleywater, srwater