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By: ashwinownsu | Posted: Jan 24, 2009 | General | 86 Views

It is a privilage to think and discuss about these two terms, which are the two different faces or phases of human life. Ancient times indian rishis were searching for great spiritual feelings that a human mind can achieve. But now our modern science is looking for the pleasures that a human body can enjoy. As per the laws of nature, we are still drifting towards more disorderd state.

I am at a juncture right now. Should I move towards technology which can take care of my bodly pleasures? Moving with the flow of world is nothing. So this decision seems to be some what easy. What about choosing some thing different? Actually making a difference is not important. But finding the ultimate destination is priceless. Should I opt for sprituality then?

Decision making is a difficult phenomenon if they are complex enough to change our lives. World will laugh at us if some thing went wrong out of their perspective. Otherwise they will praise us like anything and for this, considering their perspective is more important than achieving our actual goals. Hence moving against the flow is not generally accepted by people who are considered by society to have something called brain.

Have you ever thought about choosing one of the above options. I am damn sure that you have never thought of this bull shit ideas. You are still looking for something that you dont know. Others are also looking for that. It is the only driving force which keeps you searching for that unknown concept or object. Please let me know whenever you find it. I suggest you to review your long term goals (if you have any). Living a life without a specific aim is equalent to travelling to somewhere without any reason.

Let me check their advantages and balance them to make a decision. Hope you too will do the same. Let us achieve something that others have never even thought about. Let us end our searching process and define a new begning to our journey of life......

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