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Member Since:Dec 07, 2008
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The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Followed deyaa
Actually I didnt want to write about Selfishness since I am also suffering from this worst inbuilt disease up to a certain extend. The amount of selfishness vary from people to people. If you are zero percent selfish you will not be rich enough to read this blog. So you are indeed Selfish. Wha Read more...
It is a privilage to think and discuss about these two terms, which are the two different faces or phases of human life. Ancient times indian rishis were searching for great spiritual feelings that a human mind can achieve. But now our modern science is looking for the pleasures that a human body ca Read more...
It is the theory which evolved between the living bodies being in the state of life. It was proposed by Darvin to prove his own theory of great Evolution. Do you believe in Evolution? If some scientists or a society is believing in that, then it is not compulsory for each of us to follow their path. Read more...
Every second time passes by and we move on ……. most of the time in life we just run with the time piece and try our best to match up with its speed. Days turn into month and months turn into year and so on ……. Year2008 is going to finish and a new year 2009 is knocking at the door … here I m sittin Read more...
The Dubai property market, although still quite new, has managed to become one of the worlds leading markets for freehold property in a few short years. This is an incredible feat alone, but what is even more incredible is the innovation that has made the majority of Dubais many property Read more...
(Updated Jan 24, 2009)
War...The most dangerous word in the world of civilisation.The word devastates everything.From Hiroshima Nagasaki to Bangladesh/Kargil.War is everywhere. Inside the country, there are wars against the maoists, fundamentalists. Out side the countries, there is Pakistan and the terrorist groups. Most Read more...
Seriously….I know that this is going to cause a backlash. But someone has to say something about the latest trend here on MS. This was supposed to be a Review site, and yes it became more than that. It became a place where various people bonded, the comment section became a place for conversation. Read more...
Be strong enough to face the world each day. Be weak enough to know you cannot do everything alone. Be generous to those who need your help. Be frugal with what you need yourself. Be wise enough to know that you do not know anything. Be foolish enough to believe in miracles. Be willing to shar Read more...
Followed nidhi1
It is the story of a family of seven members. The head and chief earner of the family is Mr. X who was an employee in northern railway. He was an honest person and never knew anything except his duty. His wife was a religious lady. They had five children. Throughout his life, they tried to fulfill a Read more...
I have become a journalist finally after an ordeal of over years It was a long and seemingly unending battle that I fought to achieve this. Amongst other things, Moutshut.com plays a vital role as well. MS was my first stroke with recognition. Though I knew that I could write, I never knew what ot Read more...
Followed udaya_valli , mainmonalisahoonna
Followed sasidhara , cooldude644 , josh_rockin , halfbeast
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Nolan (@NolanIscoMouthShut Verified Member)