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By: ashwinownsu | Posted: Jan 24, 2009 | General | 86 Views

Every second time passes by and we move on ……. most of the time in life we just run with the time piece and try our best to match up with its speed.

Days turn into month and months turn into year and so on ……. Year2008 is going to finish and a new year 2009 is knocking at the door … here I m sitting with my diary looking at those moments and thinking how was that year …?

The Morning of 1st January 2008 was a normal one…… having some extra hope in the heart, wishing may be this year w' be better for all of us ……. The story of upward sensex and business data were promising ….. but within 20 days the Indian consumer came to know that sun doesn’t shine 24 hours a day ….. a dark night comes too ……. The first and the biggest loss people booked in the first month itself at sensex and we thought things will be okay with the time………. may be in 3 to 4 or up to 6 months ……. But nobody was having any idea that this is just a small signal of what going to happen in this year ……. The year 2008 will always be remembered as a landmark in the history of modern financial markets, the world has learned a lot ................

The greediness of some big financial players has done a blunder which was never happen in the history of world ………. Today as a result world is facing Recession ……all over world people are loosing jobs, companies fighting with liquidity problems & common man is facing different financial challenges ………….. above all nobody knows how long the problem will continue …

Export, Import and International trade is facing a big trouble and pressure …. Whether a small consumer or a big Company the world is facing a new problem “Crisis of hope” ………….

With the start of 2008 as a normal Indian we were accepted a fact that bomb blasts are getting common and it is a thing which can happen in 2-3 months or 4 months any where in the country …and it will go on ………………. As a common man we just need to be careful next time …….. no body was seriously thinking on that …………. So many incidences of bomb blast happened this year too in different parts of the country …… ……….

But in Nov 2008 the terror attack on Mumbai has shaken up the whole country ……………. the 60 hours of Terror War was more on the minds of average literate Indian than on the ground ......... As a result we have seen the Indian Mass waking up from the Kumbhakaran sleep and thinking what went wrong ........ normally as a citizen of democratic country we vote every time and go to sleep..... at every crisis we wake up and start blaming the politicians ................ they smile, try to handle & offer a new bed of promise full roses ..... and the kumbhakaran again goes to sleep......... this time I see the difference and I hope, together we will make a difference ...........

year 2008 has witnessed so many other important incidences like Big-bang project, The victory of Obama in USA elections and the Success of Chandryaan mission of India................ but the above two things have over taken all in my mind .......

I see them both as a Terror attack first one the attack on your trust on the Financial Institutions and second one the attack on your trust on political system. Proudly we have emerged a strong country in both the cases ..... but both the issues need serious attention .......

This is the right time for serious thinking or Introspection or whatever which brings a direction to better future for all of us. Every year we take a decision for family & kids, this time we have an opportunity to take a serious decision about our system & our country to turn up our future.

If we could make it in a right direction the year 2008 will be remembered as a Turning Point in the history forever .... the Golden future is waiting at the door for all of us .... ............. to move towards ...............

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