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By: WHITEROSE | Posted: Mar 08, 2010 | General | 511 Views (Updated Mar 08, 2010)

hellow all u lovely ppl...

Hw ws sunday? Mine ws fine... still did not finish shifting due to ____ reasons. :D

Yes-2 I took shower, spoke to mom as well [it's still v cold in North India]... n right now I'm in the middle of the "sleep countdown or I'll call the seeti-baba [sm kindda devil or gabbar who comes n takes away all the bad kids with him n punishes them]" with the kids cz yeahhh they hv school tom... it's monday !! hehe

So anyone saw Atithi movie... the one with Paresh Rawel n Ajay Devgan? I wanted to see it bt cudnt find time...

so... anythin excitin happened?

Guess what? It's past 1 week of the new month n I havent even finished ONE book :( this shifting is takin the toll... :( guess I'll really hv to buck up in this month... !! :)

Anyway, last night ws a peculiar one... both the kids went to their respective mom's rooms cz it ws a weekend n they are new to 'sleep away frm parents'... so I ws in my room alone 1st time after the renovation !!

For the 1st 2 mins when I lay down to sleep... I ws scared... haha... it ws funny... I've been sleepin alone since ages !! It ws just that I wsnt aware of the sounds of the room... it will take a while to get acustommed to it...

I donno if u understand what I mean? I think... every place has it's own unique sound n every person probabaly hears it differently as per their senses. To some the sound of fan is prominent n to others sound of the night in the background... u know what I mean ?

So... b4 150 days... there ws a lil diff sound of my room... bt nw after this makeover... the sound has changed lil bit... n when I heard it 1st time alone... I ws in HIGH ALERT... thinkin all sortta things...

that wat if the workers have created a secret way to hop in my room n steal my hair bands. :P or God! Mom was nt here when we entered the new room... she surely would have recited some Godly hymns n prayers to hv an inauguration or house warming kind of thing... n SO nw the room is taken by the devils who are gonna suck out my soul just like the Dementers in Harry Potter did. :P

That was just for 2 mins... then I realised... I've been sleepin in this room all alone since years... :D hehe...

Same is happening with the kids... they came with all the joy of sleepin in a new room bt they felt the pangs of a new territory very soon... their sleep completes in their mom's room somehow even now... ofcourse it's a matter of time... n they will soon adjust !!

hmm... so lotta talkin abt my room... what to do? that's what is happenin these days... :)

gnite n tc n sd

love n prayers... :)

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