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Andhra Pradesh
Member Since:Dec 17, 2016
500 MS Points
About Me
Education: Studying btech
Food and Drinks: Chicken,Books: AllMovie Stars: Prabhas,kajal,samantha,rakul pretty singhMovies: Life is beautiful,happy days,darling T.V. Shows: Jabardasth,dhee Jodi,pataasMusic: AllQuotes: Failures are stepping stones to success
Food and Drinks: Chicken,
Books: All
Movie Stars: Prabhas,kajal,samantha,rakul pretty singh
Movies: Life is beautiful,happy days,darling
T.V. Shows: Jabardasth,dhee Jodi,pataas
Music: All
Quotes: Failures are stepping stones to success
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Best Money Transfer Application From Google
Reviewed Google Pay
Hii folks I am basha and I am here to write a review on Google Tez money transfer app.Firstly it is developed by the google team and it is a master peice.The Read more...
Best Video Player On Playstore
Reviewed MX Player
Here is the review of the best video player MX Player.I am using this from 3 years and this is the finest video player that ive ever seen on playstore.This viRead more...
Annoying Behaviour By SBI
Reviewed State Bank Of India
Hii guys today I am writing a review on state bank of india.Actually state bank of india is the best bank before demonetization, but now it became horrible afRead more...
Long Lasting Fragrance
Reviewed Fogg Royal Body Spray Deodorant
Hi guys I am basha and today I am here to write a review on the fogg body spray.I am using this deo from the past 3 years.Actually I am hostel student and theRead more...
The Girl Who Proved Talent Doesn't Matter
Reviewed Dhinchak Pooja
This girl is totally a very bad singer , she sings her every sing with the similar beat and not so interesting but after the facebook pages trolling her she gRead more...
The True Legend - All Rounder
Reviewed Bhuvan Bam
I know this guy from past 3 months.He is mostly called as Bb because he has a youtube channel named Bb ki vines and it is very famous.He makes a comedy but wiRead more...
Ultimate Faking App Ever Available On Playstore
Reviewed Earn Money - Video &s
Guys we know that everyone is attracted towards money thats our weak point and this app developers took it to next level.They make us watch their ads and videRead more...
Best Mobile of 2018
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi A1
We all know xiaomi never disappoints us with their products the great company which is providing the best mobile phones for very less price.Mi A1 is the anothRead more...
Must Have Smartphone App
Reviewed Youtube
Youtube app is the best video player ive ever seen and you can also create, develop and mamage your own youtube channel from the app and there is no need of aRead more...
Be Aware From This Cream
Reviewed Skin Lite Cream
Guys I am writing this review with sad and angry because my skin was a little bit dark when compared to my parents, then I decided to look fair and I went to Read more...
Product Is Not As Shown In Advertisement.
Reviewed Homeshop18
Hey, busy people I am here today to give my review on homeshop18.com.I ordered a mobile phone from homeshop18.com by watching an advertisement on the Tv channRead more...
Philips Never Disappoints
Reviewed Philips BT1212/15 Beard Trimmer
Hello Guys I am here to share my experience with this Trimmer.My dad ordered this on amazon one year back for me and still it is working without any problem aRead more...
Best Camera For Youtubers and Short Film Makers
Reviewed Canon EOS 700D Double Zoom (EF S18 55 mm IS II and EF S55 250 mm II) DSLR Camera
Hii Friends, Today I am here to write a review about Canon EOS 700D Camera.Basically I am a New youtuber and I used my mobile camera to record videos first, Read more...
Santoor : Unexpected Backdrops
Reviewed Santoor Sandal and Turmeric Soap
I am using santoor from nearly 1 and a half month and it make me feel like my skin is burning .pimples are increased in my face but my body looses its moisturRead more...
Royal Look After Redesigning.
Reviewed Raj Yuvraj Theatre - Gandhi Nagar - Vijayawada
Raj yuvaraj theatre is not one theatre , basically they are two different one is raj and other is yuvaraj.at first it is not good but it is redesigned recentlRead more...
Best 4G Network Thats Growing Very Fast
Reviewed Reliance Jio
Reliance jio is the best network and it is providing the fastest 4G internet and voice calls are good.Their customer seevice some what dissappoints me may be Read more...
Movie Of the Year -Arjun Reddy
Reviewed Arjun Reddy
Arjun reddy is specially directed to connect the youth and you feel like it is happening really in your life and you will face that situations in your life.CiRead more...
Love the Colour and Volume
Reviewed Philips SHL5000 On Ear Wired Headphones
I bought this on ear headphones on amazon.in at nearly 800 rupees, the sound quality of the earphones is superb and headphones designed fabulously , but the sRead more...
Reviewed Rarandoi Veduka Chudham
The fame Nagachaithanya and Rakulpreeth singh deliver their best in this movie, all the locations and scenes are nearly related to the real life incidents, soRead more...
Redmi Is Rocking
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 3S Prime
Xiaomi releases the another new mobile called Xiaomi Redmi 3S Prime that phone is excellent with killing feautires under the low budget .Sound reception is awRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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