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Member Since:Oct 10, 2006
0 MS Points
I am a techie with a zest for all things in life and am a very curious guy you may find annoying at first. But this curious nature of mine helps me in noticing the details in many things and as they say Quality lies in details ... Exploring anything, anywhere, anytime. Reading. Long Distance Running. And Touring on my new bike ...
About Me
Education: B. Tech. Computer Science
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Tough Tough Tough
Reviewed Samsung C110
I have been owning this phone for the last 18 months now and after having owned a Nokia 3310 and 2 Nokia 3315s and having lost the 3 sets I wanted to go for aRead more...
100cc Comparison
Reviewed General Tips on Bikes
Ladies(the few of them who care about choosing the bike they sit on) & GentleMen, A war is going on . The battle is being fought hard and them empire is slowRead more...
125 cc Comparison / 100 cc Comparison
Reviewed Tips on a Dream Bike
Reader Warning: Lengthy Review . Continued in Comments . For 100 cc Comparison please refer to http://www.mouthshut.com/review/General_Advice_on_Bikes-115122Read more...
Life Rocks --> ForEver
Reviewed Yamaha Gladiator
This is the 3rd update and I hae now completed 2 services and 3100 KM on the bike. First of all let me tell you all the way to get rid of the Cold Start jerkRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
Well planning to buy a headset keeping in mind only the safety and the good posture.IT so happens that half the known population seems to remember me when I am driving. Hence o politely tell them and remind them of the same fact so that they don't keep ringing again and I can save a few bucks callin Read More...
I pity you anupam for your kindness and lessons. Well first of all every body has a right to express their opinion and that does not mean I am getting whacked. And anyway it is those who are famous that face lot of criticism. And all the lessons you taught are useless. I dont hate competition. I lov Read More...
Commented on adityas2000's review
Preth, What do I say. That I am plain bored to deat by these HH fans. But please do note that I have not written any useless reviews and the vierwership and the ratings of the revirews demonstrate that fact. Anyway to each his own and I have been completely honest here. I also want mileage from my b Read More...
You have recommended Gladiator by only giving its negative points in your review. you have not only contradicted your self but also confused people like Balaji who would like to make a purchase.
I just changed my setup to expose that people like you who need to be distrusted ... Well I am getting the 63 in Gladi before second service. I think my Gladi will beat you ss hands down in mileage. Moreover you said in your own review that SS vibrates at 60 KM/Hr. Let me tell you that Gladi does no Read More...
Rated on adityas2000's review
Followed anandrenake
Hey peabrain ... I dont see any surge of Super Splendors on the road ... And if my reviewwas so stupid I dont understand how people rated it good. I think you are insulting all people who rated my review. And well I have ridden all the bikes except that I rated but that was in a showroom test drive Read More...
I am sick and tired of HH. These buffs and stooges are spoling my reviews needlessly cos thay cant stand one word of truth ... HH sucks big time ... Super Splendor, Glamour and CBZ Xtrme haveall flopped. And I think we all know how many Discovers and Pulsars are out their on the road ... If buyers o Read More...
Yiou claim that you are not an HH insider ... Makes me wonder that you have joined just about two months back and mostly written bike reviews. Now why would a person do that. Their are so many things to review and leave comments on im MS. But still within last 2 months you have reviewed mostly bikes Read More...
None of your reviews has been rated 'Very Useful' by more than 3 people. I have two reviews voted 'Very Useful' by more than 5 people each. You have writeen 14 reviews and still not achieved this scale. I have written only 3 and achieved it in my first 2 reviews so keep your mouth shut on mouthshut.
Mouthshut is for ppl to write about what they buy. If you are such a motorcycling expert that you can tell about 7 bikes that you would have ridden each at different times than you should better know that you are not elligible for wrtiing review for any 1 of them. Any product and not only a motorcyc Read More...
the gearn\box on Gladiator is butter smooth and there are no false neautrals at all ... until of course you know how to drive and change gears on a bike. Also The bike doesnt stall ifyou keep it in the correct gear which again brings us to the point of knowing how to drive and this prioves how adity Read More...
Hey Aditya you own a HH Super Splendor and making up facts about Gladiator and that too mileage without owning it. This guys facts are all lies. Gladiator is one of the most comfortable bikes to drive more so for tall people as it has quite a high seat. I am 5 ft. 11 inches myself and I dont find an Read More...
Hh will continue to suck no matter how you buffs cry. Who needs a bike to last for 10 years when by that time their would be no support for it. In current scenario the price HH demands for Splendor and Passion is totally unworthy. The rural crowd is robbed by HH. Any well maintained bike will last f Read More...
Commented on gauravaggarwal1983's review
Hey Gaurav, What is the price difference in the spoked and the mag wheeled Gladiator. Which city did you buy in. Please give exact figures if possible .I plan to put alloys and hence want to know the price difference Yamaha is quoting so that I dont get cheated by the dealers.
I am currently getting a mieage of about 63 KMPL from my bike. Can you tell me what this figure would be like if I switched to alloys on Gladiator.
Commented on krishnahod's review
Gloadiator gives an on road mileage of 63 KMPL reserve to reserve on Bharat Petroleum Speed. To be precise I drove 509 kms on 8 litres from reserve to reserve. This includes 35% highway driving that is about 175 KM was on highway at constant 60 KMH on 5th gear while the other 65% is in Chennai city Read More...
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subash2025638 (@subash2025638MouthShut Verified Member)
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Khushi Gupta (@keg7060MouthShut Verified Member)
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Pankaj Sharma Advocate (@AdvPankajSharmaMouthShut Verified Member)
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swetha gowda (@swethagowda101MouthShut Verified Member)
Seeni Sikkandhar (@stsikkandharMouthShut Verified Member)
Kishor Salvi (@KishorSalvi503MouthShut Verified Member)
Guneet Singh (@GuneetgstarMouthShut Verified Member)