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Member Since:Jun 06, 2007
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Its just a spark no fire!
Reviewed Chevrolet Spark
Went for a test drive today(6.6.7) at Sundaram motors bangalore. Dealer was not ready to get the car to my place as people were rushing to see newly launched Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
Finally Spark is selling at Maruti Alto price tag that too with LPG fitting. Wish GM had done this before. And now its power with A/c is also great. Today spark is excellent both in terms of money and performance. I remember the proverb..... ''For want of a nail : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_Wa Read More...
Commented on santoshpm's review
There is Dreaded disease rider also. This is very useful. Please note the same. This rider will ensure 36 diseases that can lead to sudden death are pre paid for treatements. This will ensure that in case of such a disease, they will give the insured DDR cover for treatement and full assured sum aft Read More...
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Followed prits_smiles
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Commented on who_m_i's review
This review is partially untrue. Spark is not as great as it has been told. Readers better take a test drive to understand this. Please dont be biased as you are the owner of a spark. Its a big flop and everybody knows that.
Followed Cousin2
For close to 5 lakhs which is the cost of top end model of spark, we have better options in market. The low end costs 3.92 on road in Bangalore. You get a Santro which is better for almost the same cost. Wagon R is also better value for money than the spark. Of course its different perspectives. So Read More...
Dont you think spark is charging as much as an Indica and giving less in terms of so many features? I agree apple to apple comparison is tough. But my statement is plain and simple: Its not a value for money car. Especially the high end version.
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