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Member Since:Sep 18, 2002
0 MS Points
i love to laugh and make people laugh. believe that a good sense of humour can take you places. my easygoing attitude makes it very easy to make friends. ''i am very approachable and sensitive'' is what my friends say about me. i also believe that by being honest and frank you can make the world yours. enjoy talking and making friends. dancing is a passion, anytime, anywhere ... just give me some music!!! love eating out and trying out new places. love to read and enjoy good music.
About Me
Education: post graduate diploma
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Touched by fire .....
Reviewed Leela
NOTHING TOUCHED BY FIRE, REMAINS THE SAME!!! That’s how LEELA opens. It’s the new movie that’s running in the theatres, Dimple Kapadia playRead more...
Go for it !!!!
Reviewed Unfaithful
I love Richard Gere. And I mean truly, truly love him. I have seen Pretty Woman a million times and only for him. So whenever a Richard Gere movie comes to toRead more...
Reviewed American Desi
Well, well, well …. I aint teaching english here. ABCD is the theme of this very new swank movie that I saw over the weekend. Its called AMERICAN DESI bRead more...
From boys to men !!!!!
Reviewed Local Trains
I have been travelling by trains for as long as I can remember. And it’s only a few times, or probably very few times that it has been a pleasant experiRead more...
Its coffee time !!!
Reviewed Barista Lavazza - Bannerghatta Road - Bangalore
Till sometime back we had all heard about the coffee -culture, wherein, if you have nothing to do then u go and grab a cup of coffee aRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on rajasagar's review
i am in china, eating real chinese food. i know what you mean when u say 'indian chinese'. poles apart from the real stuff...
Rated on rajasagar's review
and for those who feel bandra is too far to enjoy this VFM treat, 5 spice is also at fort, just opposite the RBI bldg. this is in fact their first outlet. it's crowded in the afternoons and thr's a long waiting...but it's worth it!! and 5-spice serves awesome desserts which vanish almost instantly.. Read More...
hey, i went to caravan serai. and yes, completely agree with you -- chinese is their forte. but i quote enjoyed the mood of the place. although i didn't really care about the 'open kitchen' the food left us wanting for more. not in portion, but in quality. overall, a nice family place, though Read More...
hey raja, as always this was a fantastic review and a very useful one at that ... not looking for a car loan at present but do keep me posted on how u go on with things, further on this issue ... and whichever car u buy, remember am always waiting for a ride ... chow
hey hey babe , hold on . u are really really upset haan !! well the only reason i have given yr review high recommendation it cos u hv vented out yr rage in the best of words, one cud learn from that u know, i know i cud ... great words buddy. i remember a dialogue from KAANTE ... 'indians ko do b Read More...
u truly truly spoke my mind, and maybe each one of ours who is seeing this crazy massacre hapng around us. there are a countable few who agree to the damn war .... brainwashed by the likes of bush and tony blah blah !!! there is no such thing as world peace anymore .... economy and stability dont s Read More...
yummy yummy review foodie .... absolutely lip smackin *wink* ... mouths watering cheers b
smsing is life these days!! and i did use crazyalert and i totally agree by what u say, its good and hey its FREE yaar. nice review buddy. keep looking for more new stuff and keep on talking abt them on MS. u are my info bank these days, always coming up with nice new stuff.. keep it up .. lov Read More...
if thr was a possibility of rating a review Highly Highly recommended.. well this had to be one. that was so so informative. for a change i actually felt like looking up to our railway system. and i hv to hv to get a feel of this thing. definitely making my next bookings online. just hope am as lu Read More...
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Gautam Deka (@dekagautam37MouthShut Verified Member)
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Anand Patil (@RichlivetradeMouthShut Verified Member)