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Member Since:Mar 06, 2006
0 MS Points
The real of me isn't definite. I'm unpredictable, to-the-core upfront, I usually say out aloud (and really loud) what I feel, short-tempered, imaginative, ambitious, very stubborn, day-dreamer, sarcastic sometimes (those sometimes occur a lot these days), helpful (depends on my pre-concieved notions about the person) good at advising, and I have really crazy mood swings.. . There's a certain interest of mine called ''eating heads''. Go figure.
About Me
Education: Student
Food and Drinks: Anything which tastes good....Books: J.K. Rowling, Dan Brown, Meg Cabot, Robin Cook, Forbes, Grisham n many more..Movie Stars: None. I kinda dislike narcissits..Movies: Mouthshut doesn't have that much of space to accomodate all...T.V. Shows: Gotta remind myself the next time Roadies is on..Music: Ditto. Very less space...Quotes: Someone, ''...and, be good.'' Me, ''Am I anything but?!?!''
Food and Drinks: Anything which tastes good....
Books: J.K. Rowling, Dan Brown, Meg Cabot, Robin Cook, Forbes, Grisham n many more..
Movie Stars: None. I kinda dislike narcissits..
Movies: Mouthshut doesn't have that much of space to accomodate all...
T.V. Shows: Gotta remind myself the next time Roadies is on..
Music: Ditto. Very less space...
Quotes: Someone, ''...and, be good.'' Me, ''Am I anything but?!?!''
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IPod nano mini - a musical miracle
Reviewed Apple iPod
Its been nearly four months since I got my first iPod...iPod nano (mini).....and I enjoyed each and every day with it. Ive always been a music lovRead more...
My all-time favourites since childhood
Reviewed Favourite Books Of Childhood
Ive always loved reading(since you could get it by my name) and since I was very young, Ive always liked good books. My favourite books since thrRead more...
Blue albums - absolutely cool R&B music.
Reviewed One Love - Blue
Blue One Love was exeptionally great. Superb R&B music, theyll make your feet jiggle automatically. Cool tracks including One Love, You Make Me Wanna, TRead more...
The sixth (amazing!!!) instalment
Reviewed Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince - J K Rowling
This has been the most thrilling work of J.K. Rowling! Extremely gripping, fascinating story and breathtaking moments....not a page is dull. And for the firstRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on mkumarasamy's review
Rated on carcrazy's review
Commented on carcrazy's article
...and I'm FIDA over the review! Seriously, the review's made me pretty much in awe about the car...looks like I'm gonna have a Ford machine only after growing up...
Commented on Firozz's review
This was funny! Never mind, Firroz, start appreciating people. Cheers, Ridhi
Rated on two_ms's review
Commented on mr.nitish.kumar's review
Wow! A movie causing so much sensationalism about human feelings!!! Give bollywood a break guys...they'll make up movies on 'anything'! You could also write a book on 'a deep deep analysis on human behaviour/ human emotions/ who people love and why'....do that! It might do some good to script wri Read More...
Rated on mr.nitish.kumar's review
Rated on saakshi's review
Commented on TVMouth's review
Nicely written review. Now, I'll be sure to watch this one...seems hilarious. Keep Writing, Ridhi
Rated on TVMouth's review
Commented on sakshi8's review
Good topic! Well, it could be that Indians find Kashmir a dangerous place and would prefer to avoid it...which is a pity as it's a beautiful place...so have I heard. But this is also true that majority Indians take India for granted and aren't that excited about travelling India as they are about Read More...
Rated on sakshi8's review
Rated on yuppie's review
Commented on own review
Same! My iPod doesn't stay behind me anywhere except school.
Rated on arun702's review
Commented on carcrazy's review
Well, what can one say? You have the right choice for cars...knowledgeable and intelligent...and you're a genius when it comes to dressing up! This could save a lot of women from fashion disasters. Lol! Do write about tips for dressing in college...might help some people a lot...! Well done, Read More...
Wow! What a return with a mindblowing review! Well, I'd definitely agree with you about Ford Fiesta's (diesel) brilliance. And secondly, the Ms Temptation has been an old acquaintance of mine too... ...lol Pretty cool review, Keep Writing, Ridhi
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