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Member Since:Apr 05, 2003
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Education: Ph.D
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Luxury all the way
Reviewed Rajdhani Express
Indian Railways which is the lifeline of the nation usually leaves people cribbing. But not with Rajdhani Express. I will detail the pros of Rajdhani. It sRead more...
Reminds of college life
Reviewed English August - Upmanyu Chaterjee
I would not recommend this book to everyone for the language content. Thats because some people get offended very easily. But the whole book constantlRead more...
Surprised by reviews
Reviewed Makemytrip
I was taken aback by the amount of negative responses about MMT. I guess this is one of the cases like mine when I had serious problem with British Airways. Read more...
Original creation
Reviewed Great Indian Novel, The - Shashi Tharoor
I picked up the book when I was visiting a friend at IIT. And I stayed overnight just to finish the book. I possibly have a soft corner for Sashi Tharoor siRead more...
Leaves a lot to be desired
Reviewed Kolkata (Calcutta), India (CCU) - Netaji Subhas Chandra
This review might seriously offend my Kolkata based friends. I landed up in Kolkata early in the morning. It was a period of SARS scRead more...
See it again and again
Reviewed Golmaal (1979)
In one word, the movie is a classic. Of course my Tamilian friends would lead me to believe that the Tamil version is better :-) ( I havent seen that Read more...
The best airline
Reviewed Jet Airways
Normally I am very harsh on mouthshut.com. But I must admit I am really really impressed with Jet Airways. I first travelled Jet Airways in 1995 and the expRead more...
Pathetic in many sense
Reviewed American Desi
The movie might be funny for some but overall it is a pathetic mockery of the Indian culture. Having myself being a TA for 5 years and seen dozens of other FRead more...
Good and Solid academic foundation
Reviewed University of Delhi
I did my B.Sc from St.Stephens College. I got an excellent all round education there. The classes were regular and the teachers were brilliant. StayiRead more...
Rude and unprofessional behaviour
Reviewed British Airways
I was travelling b.a last summer from new york to mumbai. firstly they messed up my food request for asian veg. then they said that they had overbooked the Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on just_intrance's review
Why am I not surprised ? I get the same kind of nonsense response from Ajay Bharti. These uneducated people are destroying the SBI reputation. Never ever email to them. Send letters by registered body. Nobody in this stupid country responds to emails. I filled up an online form and never got a respo Read More...
Followed MakeMyTrip
Commented on kamini's review
Most of the comments here are pointless mud slinging. I don't think its fair to call Sachin a moron or begger. You seem to have forgotten the World Cup games when Sachin was wacking the Pakis right-left-centre. And this is just one of many instances. As for the customs Ferrari paid up the mone Read More...
Commented on vivekbp's review
I remember this serial. I used to watch it when I was bored with life, had nothing to do and felt like loser.
Rated on wulise's review
Followed PROFBBMOHANTY , eagle_eye
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kiran (@pkirankumar06MouthShut Verified Member)
Nitu Roy (@nituroy1983MouthShut Verified Member)
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Kaif Ajmi (@kaifajmi1MouthShut Verified Member)
Marisetti Pavan (@MarisettiPavan026MouthShut Verified Member)