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Member Since:Feb 07, 2016
245 MS Points
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Not a good shopping website
Reviewed Shopclues
The shopclues is very poor shopping website for shopping. The return policy would not be work . I have several time return some product but always I am failedRead more...
Bike is good but millage is very bad
Reviewed Hero Honda Super Splendor
I am using super splender more than 3 years. It will very comfort in city . Pickup is good in 5-7 sec it will go in 60km.  but I have some issue with the millRead more...
Snapdeal is a good but not best...
Reviewed Snapdeal
Snapdeal is good website for shopping but not best. User can easy to buy their product but the return policy is only 7day which is quite low. I have some proRead more...
Good choice in 11k
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy On7
Pros: CPU/ GPU: Snapdragon 410 works like a charm. No drag, lag or frame drops what-so-ever after using few high end games. Also, 1.2GHz Quad core along witRead more...
Letv le 1s very good phone in low budget..
Reviewed Letv Le 1S
Letv le 1s is a very good phone in this price segment. No other phone has the specification. Review after 1 day of use. Ill only be reviewing common kRead more...
Samsung galaxy A7 2016 good but not best
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016)
The samsung galaxy A7 is good I say not best . It is really a good device but I have some cons. So lets start. The display of the samsung galaxy a7 is full hRead more...
Good service and very good customer care service.
Reviewed Flipkart
The filpkart online shopping website is very good for shopping.  The customer care of flipkart is best. Many times I will not satisfied the product which has Read more...
This is the killer of any high range phone...
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe X3
Lenovo vibe x3 is a great device in 20k. it has some awesome features. . This is a killer handset. . Pros: 1.Lenovo vive x3 has a 1080p display which is shaRead more...
Really awesome device in 20000
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo
The samsung galaxy note 3 neo is best in 20000. I have used more than one year . It has some cool features. Pros: It is 5.5 inch mobile which is comfort in Read more...
Micromax canvas nitro is a good but not great.
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Nitro A311
The micromax canvas nitro is good but not a great device. Pros: The display is awesome. . The viewing angel is good. And the quality of display is ok.  it hRead more...
Samsung galaxy e7 best.. in mind range
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy E7
The samsung galaxy e7 is king of phablet. I am use the samsung galaxy e7 more than 3 month . I really impressed a lot useing this device. Display: The displRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Hmm. thanks to all frndZ.
Commented on gyanakki's review
thanks.. for posting a good review bro..
Rated on gyanakki's review
Commented on singhsantosh78914's review
lava phone are good in low budget.
Rated on singhsantosh78914's review
Commented on pinkumoudgill's review
not a good and usefull review it is...
Rated on pinkumoudgill's review
Rated on mistry_asso's review
Commented on mistry_asso's review
this is not a review bro... it is the specification
Commented on sanuritu's review
thanks bro... for posting a good review... keep it up
Rated on sanuritu's review
Commented on ashutoshgautam28's review
moto phone is a pure stock rom .. whose are not inersed in coustom ui moto for that
Rated on ashutoshgautam28's review
Commented on AshuTosh963's review
i think the spice phone is noot a good option ....
Rated on AshuTosh963's review
Commented on Rahul_398020's review
very usefull and very good review .. bro.
Rated on Rahul_398020's review
Commented on AnkurDwivedi369's review
the phone is good in this range.. but it is slow to perform several work.
Rated on AnkurDwivedi369's review
Commented on debamishra5's review
the phone is lookwise good but the software i mean the asha os is too slow
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