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Member Since:Sep 09, 2009
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Justice delayed
Reviewed City Limouzines
Dear friends, further to write up I request to follow the above link and sign the petition. once u open the link it will be self explanatory.pl give a helpingRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on riyazuddin247's review
can we give an appeal in all leading news paper quoting all events happened so far . will it have any impact in the law makers, rulers of this country. all public will also come to know about the scenario.
why cant we give a n appeal in leading newspaper
Commented on dinesh16d79's review
Folks- fresh news hot off the press: Shiv Sena's Neelam Gore raised the topic of city limouzines in the Nagpur adhiveshan. Inspector Salgaonkar and Bangur Nagar's Inspector Nalawade have been summoned to Nagpur. So our hope just got stronger. unless other wise our issue rock in parliament or s Read More...
Commented on deshmukh124's review
http://www.pgportal.gov.in/ i request to file a complaint in the govt. grievance cell and get ack for it. i cannot fight in court against this culprit. let me voice my grievance to govt. of india. those who r interested pl do it.
Commented on faisal_7652004's review
Anticipatory Bail rejected on all counts. No more protection for Masood in Maharashtra or from out of state police. Judge told the advocate for City that free food, free shelter and free clothing is always available for the applicant from the state, meaning jail. So atleast one good thing happ Read More...
Commented on vijaypatelghasiya's review
LATEST IN A NUTSHELL Hearing in Mumbai HC tomorrow. Masood has not come to EOW even once. Supreme Court transfer petitions taken back by Masood.
As usual today also S.M., MASOOD did not turned in High Court, Hon. Judge rejectected his petition filed for remodification of 3rd Dec. bail order fearing arrest from other states. The next hearing is called on 11th Dec. 2009, probably the order of rearrest would be implied on as against interim Read More...
Commented on skuthpadi's review
The HC on Wednesday adjourned it to Friday after the court was told that he had moved the SC with the same prayers
thanks srini rangaraj The Supreme Court on Wednesday dismissed an application filed by City Limouzines chief S M Masood seeking protection from arrest across the country. However, Masood seems to have earned a rare distinction in the citythat of being a white collar accused who has probably filed Read More...
HE HAS WITHDRAWN ALL HIS TRANSFER PETITION I,E TO TRANSFER ALL HIS CASES LYING IN VARIOUS COURTS TO SUPREME COURT.permission to withdraw these applications. Permission is granted. The applications are dismissed as withdrawn.
Masood applied for protection from non maharashtra police in maharashtra which was rejected. Ie masood is supposed to come to eow, but given chennai and bangalore police are in town, they can pick up masood. He wanted protection from them as if he were a saint and has harmed no one.
It was brought to the notice of HC that he has filed similar petition before SC which is kept for urgent hearing today before HHJ Katju & Lodha. Hence matter has been kept for hearing on Friday. Masood is giving a jolly good ride to cops from all states and in turn the investors
Commented on city_member's review
pl explain what is this ' getting people together for filing company application' and i have neither heard about Mr. Jagtap nor seen his postings/ blogs in any of the forum . pl enlighten the good work done by him.
he can show his bonafides to the Counsel appearing on behalf of the Complainant and few representatives of the Investors to point out which assets of the companies can be sold and also prepare a scheme for the repayment. this point in the recent judgment is very important. we have to prepare st Read More...
Commented on ihatemassood's review
2. In view of the suggestion made by the learned Counsel appearing on behalf of the Applicant, in my view, it would be appropriate to grant interim protection to the Applicant for a period of one week so that he can show his bonafides to the Counsel appearing on behalf of the Complainant and fe Read More...
IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPLICATION NO.5231 OF 2009 Sayed Mohammed Masood ...Applicant Vs. The State of Maharashtra ...Respondent ----- Mr.Subhash Jha i/b. M/s. V.N. Associates for Applicant Mr. Roopesh Jaiswal for Intervenor Mr.S.A Read More...
Commented on salman_faraaz's review
well said mr. Elector2014. Enemy is not outside, he is within this is the morale of this episode' from Monday to Wednesday, form 10.00 A.m onwards Massod wiil have an interaction with E.O.W mumbai as directed by court. Let us pray God that mr. massod should have a positive approach with respect to Read More...
Commented on Monika913's review
Geeta Razzaki police custody extended to Dec 9, Rajesh Choudhary 7th Dec. Company deposited 60 lakhs in court as a sign of good faith. A drop in the ocean but a good start. thanks Manoharji, copied from google group
Commented on maneajay's review
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