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Member Since:Nov 07, 2009
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Fraud by City Limouzine
Reviewed City Limouzines
It is more than 14 months since the City Office was closed and the investors are on the street. You had made appeals to Mr.Masood through this Blog requestinRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on khan_kaleem's review
Mr.Khan Saheb, I hope you are the same Kaleemulla Khan of Mysore who had taken the lead earlier and after some time there was no news and advise.from your side. Where is Masood. Whether he will be brought to Bangalore? You can take the lead and help the investors. Azhar
Commented on CityGroupIA's review
Shri Madhavji Please post the outcome of the court's decision for information of all the investors. Riyaz
Commented on joni719's review
Riyaz said March 24, 2010 Mr.Muthaluc is playing with the sentiments of the City investors. You have given April date because you wants to fool all the investors. If you are so sure why don't you give your full name, contact no. and city you live in. Investors have already suffered a lot and M Read More...
Commented on kmkhan1234's review
I agree with Mr.Ali Ahmed. Bangalore ke investors bhikara ban gaye aur road par agaye. Investors ki beemariyan bad gaye. Faida uthaya Limouzine ki office walon ne.
Commented on sandeep_saini14's review
Mr.Azeez Khan, Bangalore Reg.Director as per his earlier message has made it known that he is also watching the mouthshut.com(whereabouts not known) and all the developments. He is the proper person to tell the investors that the appeal and the signature appearing to be of Masood is genuine which h Read More...
Commented on AzeezKhan's review
Msg. for Azeez Khan, Bangalore R.Director Some of the investors who had invested in Metro Cruize Ltd., have received back their entire money as that Co. is in trouble. Why don't you participate in such good deed in helping the investors getting back their hard earned money from your Masood. Ri Read More...
Janab Azeez Khan saheb, Assalamualaikum, Since Mr.Azeez Khan saheb has responded to investors' appeal, it becomes sin quonon for me to point out the following in reply. : 1. The earlier appeal to Masood from Mr.Azeez Khan was from e-mail id khan75 and the present response is from 'A Khan 18 ye Read More...
Commented on own review
Some of the investors have already initiated legal action. We are requesting all the investors to resort to take legal remedial action by filing cheque bounce cases/rallies/representations to different Ministries/Media/CBI/Police authorities. Riyaz investor from Mysore
Commented on Rizwanahmed1969's review
Mr.Manoharji is doing some good job in helping the investors. The criticism by cityinvestor000 is not in good. Can cityinvestor000 organise as Manoharji has done/doing. Please stop such comments.
Commented on azeezkhan75's review
azeezkhan75 - there are two messages on 28,12,09 at 01.59 PM and 02.11 PM from the same person ie. azeezkhan75. The second msg sender is Caverappa from Virajpet(02:11 PM msg). Investors may judge the genuineness of boththe messages.
Janab Azeez Khan saheb Both the messages from Azeez Khan and Kaleemulla khan from Mysore have been sent by the same person viz., Azeez75. We do not know the genuineness of the msgs. Will you please respond.
Mr.Azeez Khan saheb, I do agree that as a paid executive / Regional Director of the company you have done a wonderful job in collecting huge investments from Bangalore investors and making that Masood rich and richest. The investors have been duped from the fraudulant acts of that Masood and all th Read More...
Commented on uday150376's review
Janab Faisalbhai My e-mail id is 'riyazuddin247@yahoo.co.in' Please forward format. Sorry I typed the e-mail id wrongly earlier. Riyaz
Mr. Faisal Bhai Assalamualaikum, My e-mail id is riyazuddin247@yahoo.com Thanks Riyaz
Janab Faisal Bhai Please e-mail the complaint form so that there is uniformity in filing the complaints. Riyaz investor from Mysore
Commented on aspmlf's review
Janab Faisal_7652004 Bhai Since you are in Bangalore, the press release may pl. be sent to Deccan Herald, Indian Express, DNA, TOI and kannada dailies plus Bangalore TV channels. If required, Please add the name of Bangalore Regional Director to the list of Directors who have cheated the investor Read More...
Dear Mr. Shukla You may be positive. Dr.Zulfiqar is right. When a person like Masood is making investors to suffer mentally,physically and what not. Will you kindly ask that Masood to address the investors through media and co's website that he is refunding the amount of investors? He is running Read More...
Commented on citycops's review
Riyaz said The information is educative and effective for the information of all investors. Thanks.
Commented on faisal_7652004's review
Mr. Kaleemulla Khan saheb, Please do something for the investors of Bangalore. Why don't you arrange at least a small meeting and rally and apprise all the investors of taking further action. Mr.Azeez Khan after giving a message through one of his relatives has gone hiding. Now is the time to prove Read More...
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