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Member Since:Dec 06, 2009
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Reviewed City Limouzines
TO ALL INVESTORS I do understand the frustration that we all are going through as I am also an investor and it is a matter of life and death as lots of moneyRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on sandeep_saini14's review
it is very strange that massod has come out with this statement now ,very very suspicious ??where as this should have been done long back .we all want our money back and he knows that very well .he is palying with all of us.mr riyaz leave RD or anyone we should be smart now and not trust anybody . Read More...
Commented on azeezkhan75's review
TO ALL INVESTORS i do understand the frustration that we all are going through as i am also an investor and it is a matter of life and death as lots of money is involved . i pose this question to all :why in the first place did we invest in this scheme ?? because we saw good returns and not lo Read More...
Commented on aspmlf's review
from the way things have been going on i really doubt it ???if masood was so sincere he would have come forward atleast passed information about our money .he has betrayed all his team of directors from across all cities ,cheating his own employess what can we expect from this man ????he should be a Read More...
Commented on citycops's review
good work indeed an absolute practical and right way to recover our money since Masood is the culprit untill and unless he is arrested we shouldnt be quiet .
Commented on city_member's review
thats right we have to get our money back ,but yet at the time Masood is having our money unless he is taken into custody we wont get our money .mr Advocate you are stopping us from putting cases why ??if Masood wanted to return would we all have to wait this long and undergo turmoil to get our mone Read More...
Commented on asifulla's review
mr first learn english properly ,all of us have lost our hard earned money and we should catch hold of masood .everybody invested cause you saw good profit not becoz u saw MR khan's face .we all should be united in gettin our money back and not blame people .
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