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Member Since:Aug 02, 2003
0 MS Points
High Ambitions...Self proclaimed life and confidence. These traits are the ones which I dope, to make my life a memorable one. Life, according to my philosophy, is one in which people around you and even those who don't know you, remember you for your life. I try to make my life every bit of it. Sports...cricket, football, table tennis, volley ball Reading Books....interests start with technologies and ends on fictions.
About Me
Education: B. Tech.
Food and Drinks: Everything and Diet Coke
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Gem of a car
Reviewed Hyundai i10
Motivation to write this review: The incident which happened recently has left me without my i10 for 3 weeks now and I cant wait longer to get it back. Read more...
Avoid getting robbed
Reviewed Zaica - Nagawara - Bangalore
Having visited almost all the restaurants in Bangalore, one of my hobbies include being a restaurant critic though not professionally. I saw Zaica restaurantRead more...
Value for money can't get better.
Reviewed Nokia E51
18 hours of research on features I wanted out of a business phone, while not feeling like being robbed of my money, resulted in an unanimous decision.Nokia E5Read more...
Great place to be in...
Reviewed IIT - Bombay
IIT Bombay, this name makes my blood boil....ofcourse in the positive sense. I spent my fabulous 4 years of life in there and I assure one and all of you thisRead more...
Tips for IIT-JEE preparation
Reviewed Successful Preparation for IIT JEE
This is Vivek, in my final year B.Tech. at **IIT Bombay. Some of you wanted tips on how to prepare for IIT JEE, the answer is 99% perspiration 1Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on amitibmbang's review
Commented on anupgangwar's review
Hey Anup, Can you please let us know the ''reasonable budget'' approximately and also the size of the flat you got done. Was considering them for getting my own flat done. Cheers, Vivek
Rated on anupgangwar's review
Commented on kitchenitpl's review
Hi Sathyakumar, It almost a year know and I would like to know if you are still satisfied with the work done by Veneeza Cucine. I have just got possession of a new flat in Whitefield and wanted to know how much did they charge and what is your experience after using it for a year.
Rated on great_house's review
Commented on jidato's review
Dude, you must have been duped. I have this Laptop and I don't have a single issue so far, but may be because I had bought it from States and not India. However, the model is the same and I don't have any issues till date, touchwood!
Commented on own review
I did complain about the polyethene in water, but I don't really know how they are going to tackle that. Another funny thing which I forgot to mention was the feedback card which they provided to fill in. The minimum rating which you can give was Average. Basically only three options on the card - E Read More...
I wrote this review almost 3 months back, with 3 weeks of usage, bu with usage running into 4th month, I am more than happy with the phone. Just to answer few queries: 1) I haven't tried loading Skype, but I did research it online and found that E51 is fully compatible with Skype over WiFi, I wi Read More...
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