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Member Since:Jan 31, 2012
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First 5555 kms...
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I bought Honda CB Unicorn Black on 29th Jan 2012.I was frequently reviewing MS since 1 year. I have done lots of RnD on bikes since 1 year(This is my nature Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Hi srizvi1310, I am using Unicorn since 5 months. I have go through your queries, based on that still I can suggest you only Unicorn because as per my experience with this bike. Performance:- Pickup is less but its smooth, but still have enough power same as Pulsar 150CC..for reference rea Read More...
Hello, Wing Riders. 3700 KMS clocked...:) Njoying.... Cheers.:)
Rated on el.paseo.del.muerte's review
Commented on el.paseo.del.muerte's review
Mileage:- As per the standard if you drive your bike above 60 kms/hrs then mileage will decrease, that is a common sense and even lil kid can know....:) Neck Pain:- You drove regularly 130 kms everyday .....10 years long time on your enfield...that might cause you this pain...this not due to Unic Read More...
Commented on rams_m's review
hi sam007:- Dont worry........I also brought Unicorn on 31 Jan 2012...and had a problem with Handle.....so now some of the 2012 model having Handle(JAMM or Vibrations) issues...plz go n consult Honda Service Station asap...will solve it...its not a big deal....cheers :)
2000 KMS clocked.....cheers :)
Hello frnds,...............after 1900 kms ...I can rate Unicorn differently than earlier ...... Advantages:- Comfort :- You can drive constantly 2 hours without any body pain issue. Control:- Turning at speed or balancing is outstanding. Mileage - If you doesnt raise the RPM funda above 60 t Read More...
I am not an expert so no special suggestions....If you want Comfort, Mileage and Power then go for Unicorn else you have lots of options which are available in market, but these package is Incomplete in any bikes......cheers :)
Hello frnds, sorry for the late comment regarding Handle Jam issue....Issue has been resolved at that day after changing the balls from the handle with new Balls by service center....now feeling easy ride..and njoying this bike maximum...I love to it... wonderful bike...clocked 1700 kms so far...Aft Read More...
Surprisingly .....Handle got JAMMED ....ohh no..!!!....going to check with Honda Service Center today....sad day :(
750 MAX...but not safe....plz go asap....I did at 585 KMS yesterday....njoying...cheers.
@Bangre: Hi Bro, Yes tomorrow I have booked service day for my bike...If you take care of the bike in initial period then it will take care of you for life time...and offcourse we have to take care of our bike for life time not only at initial ...right ?.....thnx for rating bro...cheers :)
Teflon Coating is anti corrosion idea..which is better for every vehicle ...in cars they does on the chasis where the Iron matters ...in bikes you can apply on surface too for the shiny appearance of the bike for whole life... 500 KMS completed and counting..:)......cheers
@Bangre:- Hi Dude, Thanks for the valuable information..you rock !!...cheers.
@Sri:- Yes Bro, If anything which is wrong with Engine you should consult service station...and in this case if engine oil is unstoppable then it is serious matter sort it out as soon as possbile..cheers :)
@Sri:- Yes, changing the Engine Oil in bikes for every 2k kms its my nature...because Engine almost utilized the oil's oily properties till that stage...so If you are not changing at this stage then Engine's inner wall would be damaged very slowly slowly and Pistons too..... so, its very silent ki Read More...
@sri:- Ya same thing here.. .you know the worst traffic in mumbai.....I will donkey forever..but engine life will be more improve to being a donkey for life time ....no idea about Octane or shell..I always preffer ordinary petrol....but most imp thing is to getting change the Engine Oil for every 2k Read More...
@srikanhnt: Congrats for Silver Wing....dont drive above 4k RPM before 2000 kms....If you become donkey for first 2000 kms then you will be Lion for rest of the life but If you become Lion for first 2000 kms then you will be donkey for entire life....so drive safe..njoy.
@Srikanthnt: Thanks for rating dear...Congrats for Silver Uni....you are right CBR is not bad choice..but my taste is not sports bike look..I have a family, every weekend need to go out with kid and wife so If you see the look of CBR then its not suits me ..right.... @apkumar80...thanx sir for r Read More...
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