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Member Since:Nov 13, 2002
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Education: Student
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The Good,the bad and the ugly side of US
Reviewed United States - General
There are three faces of Uncle Sam which needs to be analysed before making a sweeping statement ,about US. The Bad: This category is infested by the politiRead more...
LCA,when will it develop its wings?
Reviewed Ministry Of Defence
I worked in ADA (Aeronautical Development Agency)for a couple of months where I was on deputation from my company, in one of the most sensitive high security Read more...
Lagaan,a classic?Not in my view
Reviewed Lagaan
I think the fame of Lagaan snowballed overtime and the frenzy was fuelled even more ,by the fact that it pipped into the Oscars,which I dont hold in high regaRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Rated on abababbey's review
Commented on suyog's review
very interesting views there,its quite a complex country to sum up in a review,especially becasue of the present political conditions
Rated on suyog's review
Commented on Koshish's review
that was quite funny review,especially your final American Indian line ,I havent seen it ,but now I cant miss this movie. Teenagers all round the world are same does not matter US or India(except for the langauge issue) and maybe India needs movies like this to get out of those in mould of K3G ty Read More...
Rated on Koshish's review
Commented on premjit's review
seems like a very mature complex storyline backed by an equally mature cast. The final questions raised by you ,seems to sum up the movie in a nutshell quite well.
Rated on premjit's review
Commented on milinddesai's review
This movie is my all time engrossing favourite,ofcourse starring the great DeNiro.Reading those liners from the movie refreshed my weak memory.This review was like a PhD thesis work, covering all the aspects in great detail. But did you say you are taking a bow,why?
Rated on milinddesai's review
Commented on teena_sri's review
I am yet to hear the tracks,but reading your fab review ,I am quite eager to listen to them.Rehman is a whizkid.
Rated on teena_sri's review
It was a nice fun time pass movie.I enjoy this new genre of movies. It is titled as 'kick it like Beckham' here .Brit accent can be quite a headache to make out . Question about gays and lesbians,this issue is coming out of the closet in select cities across India ,but they are quite a misunderstood Read More...
Commented on madlalya's review
My my ,a talented writer and a great artist there,all the best for the play.Wish I can be an audience to watch Prakriti soon,if not for that atleast your composed music.
Rated on madlalya's review
Commented on reavan's review
infact it was your review that inspired me to pen my review.Nice piece of writing there
Rated on reavan's review
Commented on just-did-it's review
Your final line summed up the essence quite well.It was a rivetting nervewreching movie backed up by an equally worthy review here,agreed concentrating on subtitles and the scene can be quite tiresome. The situation in which the two find themselves in ,is potrayed with telling effects.
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