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Doth not matter
Member Since:Apr 08, 2003
0 MS Points
Hello I would not prefer to waste time and space by mentioning my name, the place where I come from, my interests et al because I fail to see why people should read my reviews after knowing either of the above things. I joined mouthshut.com for no real reason as such. And I do not take it that seriously either. I mention this because I have read some people mention in their reviews about how much they like mouthshut.com (which is an obvious lift-off from epinions.com) and how they are addicted to writing reviews. I have no such likings. I think I have written just 1-2 reviews so far, which is more than enough for me. I believe in reviewing a product only after having experienced it myself thoroughly, so that ultimately some other member may benifit from my review. I do not write reviews just for the sake of writing a review and earning those ''points''. From the day of my arrival, I have already been responsible for the exit of a certain Mr.Aaditya (itsaadit). He has emphatically stated that I ''spoiled'' his review by giving it a bad rating. Well, in my defence, I would just like to say that I voiced my true opinion on his review. Clearly, our thoughts are diametrically opposite. He likes Devdas, K3G while I do not. No real need to leave mouthshut.com I should think. And definitely no reason enough to give my rating an 'NR'. I admit that I may not write that well, but the product that I reviewed was ''The Hound of the Baskervilles'' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - an all-time classic. I only gave him that rating because I totally disagreed with his opinion, and I made no allusions whatsoever to his style of writing, which infact I found to be interesting. Inspite of all this, if I have offended you Mr.Aaditya, I am sorry. Enough about me then. Thank you. Nothing relevant.
About Me
Education: Doth not matter
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STOP! Its time for hip-hop.
Reviewed 8 Mile - Eminem
Just when you thought he cant get any better, Ems back..and with a bang! With the release of The Eminem Show he showed that there is mRead more...
Nothing short of a classic..
Reviewed The Hound Of The Baskervilles - Arthur Conan Doyle
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth. Continuing on these lines, eliminating Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on Tongue_in_cheek's review
Rated on arunroy's review
Rated on Poizon's review
Rated on esgallindeion's review
Rated on Munda_Kamaal's review
Commented on Munda_Kamaal's review
i just want to add : in which movie do u think aamir was at his comic best? a)rangeela b)ghulam c)dil chahta hai d)andaz apna apna wot say guyz?(its option (d) for me hands down)
Rated on adgj's review
Rated on speedbuster's review
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Rated on great_guns's review
Rated on k_r_i_s_h's review
Rated on chawlaaarti's review
Rated on just-did-it's review
Commented on just-did-it's review
i wish i could give u an HR rating for uor review(vich was very good)..but i do not quite agree with uor interpretation of the sprite ad. the sprite ads are always funny and are a refreshing change from the usual mundane advertisements(eg.the mountain dew 'cheetah' ad, i still do not get it, wot are Read More...
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Rated on ButterflyBoy's review
Rated on born2win's review
Rated on blured's review
Rated on insaansingh's review
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