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west bengal
Member Since:Jan 10, 2006
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New strudy car
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki RitZ
After a lot of research, we decided to purchase a zxi model primarily to be used & driven by my 56 yrs old father inlaw. The decesion was taken by me & my fatRead more...
Reviewed Suzuki Access 125
Happened to purchase this little wonder 25 days back. I am a avid car lover & never thought n planned to purchase a two-wheeler ever after my LML Vespa ScooteRead more...
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Alto K10 LXi
We a group of 5 families consisting of 13 members have just finished a trip to Similipal forest & Chandipore in Orissa from Kolkata by our ow cars. Three carsRead more...
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R
We, a group of five families consisting of 13 members decided to go for a tour of Similipal forest & Chandipore in Orissa from Kolkata by our own cars. Three Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on gmhjn's review
Hi! Please compare the initial pick up , high speed stability & refinement of Santro e-LRX & Brio. What is the highway FE with AC on. Thanks
Rated on RohanParhar's review
Commented on own review
A-Star too is a modern car & is a very good choice if space is not a major concern. With a good power to wt. ratio, same silky smooth Ritz-like engine this little car is a joy to drive & easier to manouver. Good FE is a bonus. It's the lil brother of Ritz that is more eager to catch up speed initial Read More...
Commented on FairIntension's review
Punto/VISTA/Ritz are better in ride quality. Do have a test drive before finalising.
Commented on shyamgadde's review
Nice review. Wonder why Swift/Ritz diesel have no ZDI version with Airbags? Is it that diesel owners do n't require safty on road? Are their life so cheap? Maruti should learn from Hyudai, Fiat etc. Thier diesel hatch backs have all the features as an option.
Dear gshv25 Thanks for ur comments. I knew the scooter is not for 4, just out of fun I carried my entire family on it , to test it's capability & also to have enough running before 1st service as my usage is very less. Yeah.. , given anathor chance, I would like to have a look of the new acti Read More...
Rated on suj242's review
Commented on suj242's review
Since you had experienced VDI & VXI one after the anathor, will you please draw a comparision of the NHV levels of both the cars ? How much nioser the diesel is in comparision to the petrol & would it be a deterant for some one who likes a quite cabin.
Rated on anup_p_n's review
Commented on anup_p_n's review
Hi! Congrats for your nw car. Currenly I am using a Wagon-R for last 3 yrs which has done 28,000 K.M.. & thinking over the idea to upgrade to a Swift. Would you draw a comparision between the two as regards high speed stability, inside noise level, comfort, FE, ease of driving etc. which will Read More...
Commented on chaitanya.mgt's review
Dear friend, Great review. Have you drove in high ways? How is the performance of the 1.1 lit. engine? What about the niose level in side the cabin? Can the driving pleasure of Swift be ignored for all the goodies of Getz, you mentioned, if owner is the driver.
Commented on saurabhjain2005's review
Hi dear, How much K.M. your car clocked when u purchased it. Any major maintenance issues there after? What abt high way cruising & mileage? C Pradhan
Commented on rganeshs's review
I wanted to know the engine noise in particular in side the Swift-D. Whether it is more or less as compared to Zen-petrol both at slow & high speed with windows open as well as in closed position . Pl. do reply.
Rated on rganeshs's review
Dear friend, Pl. compare the niose level inside the cabin of your Zen & Swift-D.
Rated on agpr123's review
Rated on tsm_it's review
Rated on vimal_botadra7's review
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