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west midlands
Member Since:May 08, 2003
0 MS Points
About Me
Education: College
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This needs deleating
Reviewed Dealing with Pregnancy
This is now private material deleat this plz this is now private material deleat this plz this is now private material deleat this plz this is now private Read more...
OutWar Game + Contest
Reviewed Outwar
Hiya, OutWar is a god site for internet users who like Online R.p.G games, its a game which dont need to be downloaded to play, its free to sign up, You can cRead more...
Habbo Hotel!
Reviewed Habbohotel
Might seem wierd but me myself usta go to this chat room, Its changed since the last review on it, Its still got the loading time, which isnt that long, butRead more...
MY personal Best 3
Reviewed Five Best Websites of the Year
Hiya, Im look for sites that allow good communication and fun at the same time, thats why my number 1 site has to be... MsN , It allows a user to interfaceRead more...
Why has it gone like this!
Reviewed Dragon Ball Z
Dragon ball Z was grate at first, going through vegita then freeza all the way past andriods, garlic J to cell then boo. I watched every single episode. Now Read more...
Starting a Website?
Reviewed Building a Website
OK, First of all, do you have the time to make a website? if not theres no point starting one then not finishing, To start you need all the right software tRead more...
Not So Good
Reviewed Sony CMD J70
I hope this is only happening to me, I got the j70 of my sister as a present. At first it was great, until I put it on charge and the battery fell out, and iRead more...
LmL Stats
Reviewed LML Freedom
I enjoy the LmL freedom which my uncle has, he keeps it I na guarage behind his appartment, he wrote this for my first review on here... LML chose a 110 CC tRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on diver's review
Commented on own review
i forgot to add, (k) gave me a choice in it. i didnt force her not to make it her self with just my say. she mad me make the choice... so dont think i made the choice forcing her not to. if it was up to me all women would make the decision, because at the end of the day, an abortion will hit the Read More...
Rated on davieboy's review
Rated on jaimohan's review
Followed davieboy
Rated on Maverick14's review
Followed jaimohan
Rated on LuvMyPride's review
Rated on cpearl's review
Rated on annette_tr9's review
Rated on arunrao's review
Rated on avipreet's review
Rated on bvgirish's review
Commented on bhushan's review
The review is good, but it could have a little more infomation about the car, and its size, or the engine. What insurance group its in.. just a little more infomation please. but .. thanx for review.
Rated on bhushan's review
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