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Member Since:May 16, 2015
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Hathway is not reliable... Liars in every aspect.
Reviewed Hathway Broadband
I live in Hyderabad and for last 6 months I am using Hathway broadband services. I got attracted to their lucrative offer of 50MBPS speed in 550/- per month aRead more...
Worst Agency of Honda,They sell bikes with defect
Reviewed Fortune Honda - Secunderabad
I bought NEW UNICORN CB 160 from Fortune Honda, Raniganj - Secunderbad. I have had a really horrifying experience from this agency, they have sold me defectiRead more...
Not happy with NewUnicorn.HETengines are defectiv
Reviewed Honda CB Unicorn 160 Standard
Hello friends, I am writing this review after 1 month of use and 1 service of CB Unicorn 160. I bought this bike on 30th April 2015 from Fortune Honda, RaniRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on svnagendra884876's review
I am also a sufferer like you . Now realised why people call Airtel as Airthel( read in Hindi)
Rated on rohitdandavate's review
Rated on sonu001's review
Commented on sonu001's review
This is not a review rather copy paste work from this link ' http://www.zigwheels.com/newbikes/Honda/CB-Unicorn-160 ' Write something of your own you MORON.
Commented on swapniljobcafeind's review
I wonder if they have checked meter consoles for rainy conditions . Honda launched this bike and its real sale kicked after last monsoon , except for few cities this has not exposed to rains. water getting into the digital meter and accumulation of vapor inside the console is very common issue which Read More...
Rated on swapniljobcafeind's review
Commented on own review
Hi Srinath , Its been long to know how is your bike Uni160 performing after engine repair . My issue remains the same as it was earlier. Please do post your comment if you visit here.
Rated on pritiagarwal2111's review
Commented on pritiagarwal2111's review
Get some sense madam , you will not be rewarded with your copy paste reviews . All contents you have copied from this link : http://www.bikewale.com/m/honda-bikes/cb-unicorn-160/user-reviews/431.html Please don't waste others time if you have plenty of it to spend in these useless activities.
Rated on sambitjena22's review
Commented on sambitjena22's review
Can't you write your own review ??? Why did you copy all these contents from this link : http://bikeportal.in/newbikes/honda/cb-unicorn-160/ . Be original dude and breathe properly .
Commented on mountains's review
This bike was launched last year only and you got it serviced for 3 yrs..... you are superhero of Honda.
Rated on biradarlaxmanc's review
Commented on sprasant10's review
I agree , Honda is no more reliable name . Their service center and dealership guys act so arrogantly as if they are in business of selling and servicing Boeing aircraft.
Rated on sprasant10's review
Useless and fake review all contents are copied from this link ' http://www.bikewale.com/m/honda-bikes/cbtrigger/user-reviews/170.html ' Have some sense and write your sensible and original experience using this bike. Don't waste others time.
All contents written in this review is copied and pasted from this link ' http://bikeportal.in/newbikes/honda/cb-trigger/ ' Useless & fake review
Rated on azharansari673's review
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