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Member Since:Jan 22, 2011
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Very good car with some very petty problems
Reviewed Mahindra Xylo mHawk
Resident of Chandigarh which is close to himachal Pradesh and like any other Chandigarh person very fond of travelling in the hills. So had to buy vehicle witRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
Another update at 53000 kms The belt had been making noise for the past weeks. Did not bother about that. Sound comes when the pulley bearing goes. Did not change on time so even the belt auto tensionor blew. 1. Pulley and auto tensioner change costs around 3500 2. Gasket change as coolant was l Read More...
Yes esteem the problems is there with luggage space in the rear but frankly speaking it does not make a difference. If 7 people are travelling long distance even the space in innova wont be enough to handle their luggage. About suspension yes innnova is very good when it comes to plains and normal i Read More...
Commented on zenthil86's review
You can go for teflon coating or regular wax polish. when you come back after a ride on the roads of mumbai make sure to wash it or clean it with wet cloth as the primary problem there is not the humidity but the the salt which adds to this problem. In north india we almost never face this problem o Read More...
Commented on dhruvsharma's review
Well ive been to both the dealerships more than once and im convinced that no one there is actually interested in customers.
Rated on dhruvsharma's review
Dear Deepesh, In the 35000 plus that i have driven in this car i have had no problem with the vehicle, the sound inside is literally non existent except that door noise.
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