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Member Since:Nov 10, 2005
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XETA more than 800 but within 3.5 lacs no options
Reviewed Tata Indica V2 Xeta
My budget max - 4 lacs . good if it was within 3.5 Lacs; mandatory feature:- AC and Power steering Note: I am not amongst those who want a car for a single pRead more...
A guide for H5 buyers
Reviewed Sony Cybershot DSC-H5
Bought the H5 from Amazon.com at 406 US $. Convert to INR 18200/- (Sonyshowroom price 29990/- .So didnt rate it that good for value formoney) Ease of uRead more...
Sony MHC GN100D ultimate power at the cost
Reviewed Sony MHC-GN100D
I always longed to buy a system which never falls short of power. I knew I wont play it outdoors, so, I never went for any outdoor benchmarkings. Use itRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
You can straight away go to prerana Motors Adugodi service station. You can get the address details from the website www.preranamotors.com. You could find Mr Karthik. He is a responsible person. But before handing over the car let them estimate and tell you what exactly needs to be done. That way Read More...
Rated on dr_anilh's review
Well a secret I would reveal. The Tata service is unreliable; To make it reliable I copy all letters to the Head of prerana Motors, bangalore. Immediate action.No excessive billing.Now I have a enginner at their servicing facility in my good books. No worry for me as long as he is there. ;-)
Do you remember why you paid so..?I mean breakup of the amount?
Maruti by itself is well tested and well believed to be perfect. There was a time you had no choices except maruti. But now one has the option of thinking according to ones needs. If you are a three member family with an average Indian height. The Estilo is good. In that case if one sacrifices the l Read More...
Poor quality in what could you be specific? Yes I agree the finish is not good in XETA the door trims, the door fittings, bonet fitting, hatch lock etc. These specially needs to be well tested and alligned before delivery.Once delivery happens you will not be able to rectify those and later lose you Read More...
Its the dealer and the service station you are visiting who are a problem. Since the very beginning you stuck with the same service station. Why dont you try any other service station? I am sure you are being fooled by those guys. How could they charge 500/ for oil change? The whole can is priced ar Read More...
First of all I never accused other cars. Use proper words to say what you mean. You should not mislead people by your experience with only 2 of your friends. I know many people (not less than 15) who are NOT getting 8-9 Kms and the mileage is far above that. Either there is some problem with your fr Read More...
But MumAvi, my cousin who has got a XETA GLS this month is getting a bit lesser mileage than me.. approx 0.5 km per liter. But he has not driven 1000Kms yet. That could be the reason. I have no idea of diesel cars. Very rarely I have driven diesel cars.
I have used ordinary petrol of IBP, HP and BP. Performance(power) wise I couldn't find difference. May be I am not that sensitive. The variation in mileage is there ~1 Km a litre. But that too depends if the petrol bunks are reputed ones. With speed of BP; I get 11.5 to 12.8 Km /litre in CITY drivin Read More...
The other advantage of Indica XETA is the maintenance cost is almost zero in the first 10000Kms. I have spend Rs74 in the first service for oil top up and Rs13 for pollish a total of Rs87 at 5000 kms. At 10000 kms I will have to change engine oil that could cost me something around Rs200. And then t Read More...
And for your information I owned Old Zen, 800. Old Zen was a marvel. Do you have similar cars in todays market in the 4 lacs range. Show me one I would immediately go for that. Note in my review there was comparison of cars not only criticism of other cars. If you have the patience to read in de Read More...
Well Mr. Rahul .. I think I have driven enough to understand the pros and cons. Right now the baby is well matured with 8000Kms. Long drives include bangalore-goa more than 1500 Kms up and down. I get fatigue driving the Alto or santro. In XETA I bet you will never have that. For mileage I drive 25- Read More...
A tripod is essential with H7 or H9, where zoom is 18X or more. 12X is managable with normal hands as I have said in the review. And just to remind you @rajasagar its not 2.5 inches.. its 3 inches... I download movies into my camera and watch ;-) I do not agree that S3 IS is better choice. It is Read More...
Rated on praveen_lns's review
Well, warranty is there but that is valid in US only. So if anything happens you will have to send it to the US to avail it. But don't worry its a SONY. Even if something happens you can always have a paid repair at the SONY service centers and the cost wouldn't be unaffordable.
By the way, Janaki, did you find any dealer selling this product in Bangalore? It has been replaced by a similar redisigned product, but I could not find the power that was in MHC-GN100D;
It does play for couple of scratches but will pause for a while till it tries to skip the scratched sector. Much similar to the experience of ordinary CD-ROM players in computer Desktops. For DVDs you may have to restart the system for deep scratches as the total system will cease to respond. But in Read More...
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